two || day two - muffins.

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University life was alright, for the most part.

After all, he had gotten into the university for practically free, thanks to a scholarship he'd won, as well as made a couple of friends in the short span of time he'd been there—one of which was his dormmate, and the other, of course, being Kaede, whom he met about a month in.

And then there was the bumps, like having to adjust to his new life as an official adult. Or, rather, the unpredictability of it. A good example of this was just the day before, when that guy—Kaito, was it?—came into the cafe and bought Shuichi a coffee. ...For some unknown reason.

Speaking of which...

"Do you think that guy's coming back today?"

Shuichi glanced up from the napkin dispenser he'd been fiddling with and over at Kaede, who was staring out the cafe window. "Huh?"

"You know," Kaede clarified, "the guy who bought you that coffee yesterday. The guy you claimed wasn't your boyfriend?"

"He's not," Shuichi replied. "And he said he was, but... I don't know. I still think it's some sort of prank."

"Aw, come on, Shu." Kaede went over and snake an arm around his shoulder. "You have to have more faith in people than that. See? Here he comes now."

"What?" Shuichi looked out the window as well and, sure enough, the violet-haired man was striding up to the cafe. Kaito opened the door a few seconds later, the chime of the bell accompanying his entrance.

"Hey, Shuichi!" Kaito greeted as he strolled up to the counter. "What's up, man?"

"Uh, hi," Shuichi said simply, waving slightly, "I'm doing fine."

"Hi!" Kaede jumped in, waving at Kaito as well. "Welcome to our humble cafe!"

Kaito turned to her, suddenly noticing she was there. He scratched his head and gave her a quizzical look. "Uh... Who are you? I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but I don't remember seeing you here yesterday."

"Oh, right." Kaede took a step back, extending her hand out. "I'm Kaede—an employee of this cafe, and Shuichi's close friend."

"Oh, really?" Kaito's gaze briefly flickered over to Shuichi. A broad grin then stretched across his face as he took Kaede's hand and shook it. "In that case, I'm—"

"Kaito," she finished for him, much to his confusion. "I know. I accidentally eavesdropped on you and Shuichi yesterday." Kaede shot him a sheepish smile. "My bad."

Kaito blinked. "Oh. Well, it's nice to meet ya, Kaede."

"Yep, same here."

Shuichi observed this interaction with nothing than a hum—at least, until he remembered the reason Kaito had probably came in here in the first place. "Ah, um... Are you ready to order?"

Kaito turned to him. "Right. Yeah." His gaze shifted up towards the menu for a minute, then came back down to Shuichi. "I'll try a muffin this time. One chocolate chip, and the other, uh... What kind of muffins do you like, Shuichi?"

"Well, uh..." Believe it or not, Shuichi didn't really have any strong preferences on, well, most foods in general. He couldn't say exactly why that was, it was just normal for him. "I wouldn't say I have a favorite, but I don't mind banana nut muffins, I guess."

Kaito nodded. "One chocolate-chip and one banana nut muffin, then!"

Shuichi nodded back and opened his mouth to ask for his name, but stopped himself when he realized it was pretty much redundant at this point. So, instead, he told Kaito his total, put the money in the register, and told him that he'd have his order ready soon.

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