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I was laying on the ground in the park while watching the clouds moving and Daydreaming all of the sudden my Friend Shia called me

„Heyy y/n Where are you?!?"
i mumbel a bit „at the park why are you asking„ Shia grounded „damn y/n are you again at the park where you and Liam met the first time it's been now 6 months Ago, move on" i looked where i was and realized i'm for real at the place where Liam and I  met the first time, me and Liam was for 2 year in a relationship and we broke up. It's really hard for me to move on Even i know he wasn't good for me.
„No it's okay i forgot about him".
Shia breath out relieved i wanted to Hang up the phone call of all of te sudden i hear Minji screaming in the background .

I sigh „Shia are y'all drunk„ she responded fast „Noo...maybe a little bit„ , „Okay im done! Where are you right now?" i asked, Minji randomly said „we are at my  place" i hang up.
They Sound really drunk so i decided to come over and make sure they are okay.
I packed my thing and was on the way to Minji and Shia. I had to walk a while but it wasnt bad i had time to think. I listend to Music while walking.

After a while i came to Minji House. I belled at the Door. Suddly my friend Namjan open the door.
I was Suprised to see her „Huh namjan? What Are you doing here?" she sigh  „Well im here to take care of them They Are really drunk and i was worried They might do something dumb". Namjan  is such a good Friend she always take care of them she is also the oldest of us. I was wondering if there are more of my friends there  „oh okay thats Great i also came to see them if they are doing good. Is there actually more of Them here? Its really Loud." Namjan Turned Around „yea they all Are here and everyone drunk much. Come in why Are you still Outside."

I came in and yes i saw them all there was Shia Minji Noah and all of them was Extreamly drunk expecially Minji she Even Danced with Shia with the loud music. it was really loud i only hear Shia and Minji screaming so i turn the music off .I asked why all of them Are drunk and at Minjis House. „why are y'all drunk?
And why in Minji house" Shia told me everything . „well actually i wanted to go with y'all to a Concert later ,so i thought why are we going to a concert a little bit drunk to have fun nobody will notice it" i sigh
"Shia you don't need to be drunk to have fun , you can also have fun if you're not drunk" Shia grounded "but we have to ... i mean not drunk but we can be a little bit tipsy you know"

I go to the kitchen and took three bottles of water and gave it to them "which concert you wanted to go with us " Shia immediately responded "JACKSON WANG CONCERT" i look confused "Jackson who ?" Minji kinda shout at me " YOU DONT KNOW JACKSON WANG HE IS A MEMBER OF GOT7 " i step  a little back because i had the feeling Minji gone jump on me "you know i haven't listen to kpop since i middle school" Noah come up to me "y'all need to stop shading my girl y/n" I put my arm over Noah's shoulder. Namjan come then in the living room and sat in the sofa we then sat all together in the living room Shia,Minji and Noah were still tipsy but could clear think we talk a little bit till Shia come with the concert topic back "So can we please go guys" Namjan was on the phone but respond "When is the concert?" Shia was completely silent "ehm ... so it's tomorrow" we all looked at Shia surprise "TOMORROW WHY YOU DIDN'T TOLD US EARLIER,I TOUGHT ITS IN A WEEK OR SOME" Minji shouted I kinda was annoyed because Minji was screaming all the time.
"Minji can you please calm down you are screaming a lot today" Minji stood up "shut up y/n you will act the same if you would know Jackson "I stand up and make me on the way to the kitchen and responded "Even i knew Jackson or GOT7 i would still not scream at people ears" Minji had a stunned face and said : "ARE YOU CALLING ME NOW A CRAZY KPOP STAN" we started arguing "IM NOT SAYING YOU CRAZY I MEAN YOU ARE A LITTLE BIT CRAZY BUT I DONT MEAN IT"

AFTER PARTY - Jackson Wang FFWhere stories live. Discover now