.Chapter 4. .Nightmares.

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Shadow's POV
(Inside dream)
*run run run**heavy breathing*'SHIT SHIT SHIT!! Why did I leave them behind?!, I can't go back now...'
Selever's POV
"mmm" I woke up. I sat up on my bed, I then saw a shaking hand. It was Shadow, she's having those nightmares again. I sat down with her, rubbing my hand with a circle motion on her back. She then woke up. With sweaty hands, actually. She was sweating really much..
"You okay?" I asked. "Yeah.. I'm gonna get water.." Shadow replied. I followed her downstairs to get a glass of water. Some one then knocked on the door..
Selever's POV
I decided to open for the person knocking.
"We're looking for a Shadow Dark."
I looked at them in surprise when they said 'Shadow Dark'. "Mother.. Father.. you know why I wont come back. Leave." Shadow said to them.
3rd persons POV
"Well then.. Shadow, why don't we have a rap battle. If we win, you come home. If you win, we leave." Shadow agreed when she heard that. Selever was surprised, he went to wake up his parents or something...  because there were two people who came in here. Then the battle started. Micheal(Shadows father) decided to start.

(I couldn't find anything better, sorry lmao, just pretend that Taki is Shadow and Ruvhas a deeper voice and  is Michael)
".. okay, you won, but you still gotta battle your mother.. she's better.." Micheal said.
"You suck." Mika (Shadows mother) said. "Now it's my turn.."

(Pretend that Sarv has a deeper, and louder voice.)
"Okay, we'll leave. Just come visit us." "No" shadow replied to Mika. "Now, leave, you've already caused too much trouble for me."
The parents left, but put something in the garden.
A few seconds later the church exploded.
Shadow put out her wings to protect everyone.
'Shit, of course they gotta put a bomb in the garden..' Shadow thought to herself. Her teeth were gripped together.
I woke up to the sudden noise. I put some shoes and a jacket on running to the church somehow getting a feeling that it came from there. When I arrived, the building was in pieces. Half the roof was broken. I heard Selever and Sarv coughing while Shadow led everyone out.
'I've seen this before' I thought to myself, then it hit me, I've seen this in a dream.."Is everyone okay?!!?" I screamed to them. "Everyone is okay!! Just a few scratches!" Sarv replied to me. I sighed in relief.
Shadow then hid her wings and came up to me. "Close your eyes." She said, I did as what she said. When I opened them, the church was back to normal. "Just as good as new!!" Sarv said with a happy voice. I smiled to her positive self.
"By the way Shadow. What happened?"
I asked her.
"My parents busted in and asked where I was. They wanted to bring me home. They needed to win a rap battle against ME. (They lost). After that they left leaving tiny bomb in the garden. Then this shit happened. Fucking bitches.."
I asked her why she didn't wanna go home.
"Abusive." She said. I apologized for asking. She said it was okay, that was a long time ago.
Selever ran up to me and apologized for swearing at me. "I just got so mad that you found out, I thought you would turn them in. I'm sorry." He apologized. "It's okay Selever, you're just trying to protect Shadow and everyone else in the family. I understand." I replied to him, smiling.
"AWWH!!!" Sarv screamed. "RUV! They're bonding!!!" "Mhm." Ruv replied to Sarv. We all smiled at them.
This is a longer chapter. Hope you enjoyed it!
Words: 630

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