.Chapter 7. .We meet again...

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Shadow's POV
I breathed heavily when the person said that.
I'm not an indecisive person, but this was too hard.
I cant possibly leave any of these. I looked at Kapi who had a concerned face. I was sweating.
"Tik tok.. life is on the clock.." the person says.  
"I'll only choose one if you show yourself." I said looking down at the floor. The person took of the hood and the mask revealing, CASPIAN?! I looked at him. "Times up." Caspian said. He then took up a sharp knife. I couldn't control my body, I went forward and.. and I just hit him, on the eye. "BITCH, you're gonna regret that.." he said. My eyes filled with rage. He then went back up and stabbed Rasazy in the arm. I snapped back to reality. I quickly turned to Rasazy seeing her suffer in pain, I wanted to help, but if I want near them they would die.. "look.. Caspian, why are you doing this..?" I asked looking him dead in the eye. ".. I can only say one thing. Your parents.." he said looking down. He took his gun out and pointed it at me. I looked at him. Then everything in my body was in pain. "NOO! SHADOW KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN!!" Someone screamed, I think it was Kapi. "I closed my eyes trying to heal myself. For some reason it didn't work.

3rd person's POV
Selever looked down at Shadow who's still breathing. Kapi was crying. Sarv tried to hold her tears by looking away. Ruv looked shocked. Rasazy calmed down but blood was still flowing down her arm. Caspian then let everyone free because Shadow made her sacrifice.
Shadow sat up. Everyone was staring. She took her knife and stabbed Caspian before she passed out.
Y/N woke up in the hospital. They grunt before they saw Ruv carrying Shadow. 'What happened..? Why is Shadow bleeding?' Y/N thought to themselves. Selever came in the room telling them what has happened.
(Few hours later)
Kapi's POV
I saw GF and BF walking towards me. "I'm so sorry on what has happened, I hope she heals as fast as possible. Give this to her when she wakes up.." GF said to me. I nodded as response. Then they sat next to me.
"Good news, Shadow is fine!" The doctor said to all of us. Sarv started crying with joy. Selever hugged Rasazy and I smiled warmly. We got to meet her in her room.
"How do you feel Shadow?.." GF asked. "I fee fine right now. I'm gonna be honest with you, it hurt so much. My body was aching too much." Shadow replied. I hugged Shadow, and she hugged me back. Then someone rushed inside the room and kissed Shadow on the forehead and asking if she was okay 24/7. I looked up to see it was Kol.
(Wednesday. 16:08)
Y/N's pov
I can finally go home. Shadow can too.
I put on some shoes on and a jacket. I met Shadow outside the hospital. I waved and she smiled warmly as we went back home.
We arrived at the church and we both got greeted by Selever and Sarv hugging us. We hugged back because I've missed them, especially Selever.
I decided to stay for dinner to spend time with them. Selever begged me to sleep over. I agreed whiles slightly blushing, Shadow was in the doorway smirking with her arms crossed.
"Soo..? Are you guys finally together?!!" She asked. Selever looked like a red tomato. I shouldn't make fun of him of that because I was also as red as him.
I woke up at midnight. Maybe a bit over but I didn't care. I tried to sleep again but I just couldn't. My eyes felt heavy but I couldn't sleep. I walked downstairs to see Shadow drinking water. "Why are you up so late Shadow?" I asked. She asked me the same thing. Shadow told me she was awake because she was texting Kapi about plans. She also told me that she might need to cancel them because of what has happened. "Oh, what was the plans?" I asked. Her eyes widened whiles looking at me, or should I say looking down at me.. she was literally 8ft tall.. "oh uhm, just uh, hanging out and stuff.. why?" She replied. "Oh just wondering." I answered. Shadow then told me I should get some sleep.
"I cant sleep, that's why I'm up this late-" I said. "Just go in bed with Selever. He sleeps like a rock. Just make sure he doesn't fall of the bed." Shadow told me. I nodded while blushing. I walked up to his room to tuck in bed with him. I hugged him as I started to drift to sleep.
"Wakey wakey.." I heard someone say. It sounded like Rasazy. I opened my eyes to see it was her. "Hm..? What's the time..?" I asked. Turned out it was 11:55. I then sat up fast with Selever's arm around my waist. I blushed hard when I noticed. I saw Shadow peek in the room while she was going downstairs stairs. "Ooo~" she whispered before going outside to meet up with someone. Rasazy was slightly smirking. She was looking up and down on me and Selever before disappearing. Selever then woke up. I don't think he was thinking when he said good morning to me.. "good morning love.." he said. I was ready to explode because of all the butterflies in my stomach. I then stroke my fingers in his hair. He sat up. "I have to tell you something Y/N.."
I have nothing to say except I'm sorry for not uploading for a bit. I've been busy with school work.
Words: 969

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