.Chapter 5. .battles.

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3rd person's POV
'After the church has exploded, Selever, Y/N and Shadow started to hang out together a lot.'
"Huh?!" Shadow jumped in surprise when someone said that.
She looked down to see a blue haired guy. "GODDAYUM YOURE SHORT.." Shadow screamed.
"Beep boop bap bep! Beep bap!( Let's have a rap battle! Also I'm not short!)"
"Okay? Whos gonna sing?." Y/N asked
"How about Y/N and Selever!!" Shadow said smirking at them. "Okay, sure!" Selever said.
Y/N agreed while looking at Shadow with a tint of pink on their cheeks.

"Wow short guy, you won. GG" Selever said while looking at Y/N and the blue haired boy.
"What's your name little man?" Shadow asked as she sat on the speaker with GF.
"Keith, or BF." Y/N said. "I know them, we haven't seen each other for like 3 years so I didn't recognize them at first" they said giggling.
"Are you for real? GF AND BF?!! The fuck are those names.." Selever said surprised
"It's just nicknames, our actual names are Keith and Cherry!" GF replied "by the way Shadow, why don't you sing with BF?" GF asked. "Oh, uhm.. I have a, loud... way of singing.." Shadow replied "oh it can't be as loud as Ruv's voice, NO OFFENSE IM SORRY" GF said.
"I guess I can sing with BF." Shadow said

(If you put the highest volume on Taki's parts. Shadows singing voice is 5x as loud, btw, Shadow did not sing her best on the parents singing chapter because she didn't wanna ruin the church)
"Bep boop baaaapp!!( You're great at singing!!)"
"Yeah you are, but I swear to god, I'm going deaf.." GF said
"Sorry." Shadow replied with a nervous smile.
"Hey! You've got a great singing voice, wanna battle?" Someone said to Shadow, she looked behind her to see a blonde haired guy with a white hoodie on with grey sweat pants on.
"Uh sure i guess! What's your name?"
He then introduced himself. His name was Caspian and he's 15. We then started rap-battling.

"Wew! Youre good Caspian!" Shadow said
"I gotta get going, but I did have fun! See you around Shadow! Also thanks!" Caspian said
"You're welcome, and goodbye!"
Shadow started looking for Selever and Y/N.
She then went back to the church because she didn't find them. She went up to Selever's room to find them resting. Y/Ns head on Selever's shoulder, Selever's head on Y/Ns, also holding his hand on her shoulder.
Shadow smiled as she saw the two people she shipped the most rest together, she was screaming inside with joy.
I woke up the next day on Selever's bed.
*grunts* 'what's the time..?' I thought to myself.
'8:07' I went up down to the kitchen seeing Shadow, Selever, Sarv, Ruv and Rasazy eating breakfast, talking about what they're gonna do for today. I went down and sat down. "Good morning Y/N!" Shadow greeted. "Morning Shadow." I said smiling. Sarv handed me a plate for me. It was eggs and bacon with a glass of water. "Thanks!" I said
"You're welcome dear!" Sarv replied
"So, how did you guys sleep yesterday Selever and Y/N?" Ruv said smirking
I hid my face in my hands blushing really hard.
Selever looked at Ruv with a shocked face blushing. "You guys were there the whole time?!!!" Selever asked.
"Not really, Shadow told us to come up and look, oh how you guys looked so cute!!!" Sarv said with a teasing voice
I looked at Shadow with opened eyes, so did Selever
"HUAAAHH?!! You were there?!!? I thought you were battling Caspian?!" Selever asked
"I did! When I was done I was looking for you guys. Then I came here and I saw you guys sleeping together! And since you guys left me, I decided to tell Sarv and Ruv for revenge!" Shadow said with an evil smirk
Selever glanced at her with a tired face.
"We might have taken pictures.." Rasazy said with a slight smile looking down at her food
We stared at her blushing hard. I hid my face with my hands again.
"Okay.. I'll delete them.." Rasazy said disappointed. (She kept one)
"Good." Selever said. Then he went up the stairs and into his room.
(Few days later)
Shadow's POV
"Sel? Can I come in?" I asked knocking on his door.
"Yeah yeah whatever come in" he replied. I opened the door. I sat on his bed and gave him a teasingly smile.
"So how's Y/N? Or should I say your partner?" I asked then laughed when he looked at me as if he was gonna kill me.
" They're not my partner.." Selever said to me.
"Yet. XD" i said teasingly"SHADOW!" He screamed at me.
"Chill dude, I'm joking. But for real, when are you guys gonna get together, it's obvious that you guys love each other!" I asked him. "I don't know.. if they like me back.." he replied, resting his elbows on his legs.
"Take them out to the Dreamers café! Kapi and me is gonna hang out there!" I suggested. Selever sighs and agrees.
The one and only Shadow🖕🥰:
When are we supposed to meet?-

The short ass furry🖕😻🖕:
When you change my nickname 😘✌️

The one and only Shadow🖕🥰:
Okay but fr though, WHEN..

The short ass furry🖕😻🖕:
4 pm, why?

The one and only Shadow🖕🥰:
Sel and Y/N is coming. 🫣🤭

The short ass furry🖕😻🖕:
OoOo 🤭 I actually feel so single, will you be mi-

The one and only Shadow🖕🥰:
Stfu 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕💃💃
I laughed when he texted me that.lol
Selever's POV
I texted Y/N to meet me at the Dreamers café at 4 pm, as that was the time Shadow gave me.
Shadow had a black long shirt on with a belt tied around her waist, she had her casual shoes on. She had fingerless gloves on. Of course she has shorts on as well, wouldn't want perverts looking up at her y'know. Shadow took her purse and put a knife in there, for self defense. Not like she needs it since she's pretty strong but okay.
4 PM
I arrive at the café seeing Kapi and Y/N talking.
They turned their heads towards my and Shadows way, they both smiled as they walk towards us.
"Hi bitch face, hi Sel!" Kapi greeted.
"Hi Kapi." I replied. "Sup furry." Shadow greeted Kapi.
Kapi looked at Shadow with a smirk. "Okay so what are we gonna do?" Kapi asked
"OH I KNOW!! We can go inside!" Shadow replied to him with a sarcastic smile.
Y/N smiled and giggled. Their laugh was so cute, I smiled warmly. Then I see mom and dad coming.
"Oh hi kids! Didn't expect you guys here.." Sarv said.
"Oh hi Sarv, hi Ruv!" Y/N greeted. "We're here because Shadow asked us to come here, and so did Kapi!" Y/N said.
Hello! This is my longest chapter so far lol.
Words: 1174

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