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(This story contains themes pertaining to Ancient Roman and Greek Gods and Goddesses, however this has no religious affiliation. It also references another story on this account so if you are at all confused by something involving that, the story is Lavender Fields. Anyway! Enjoy and feel free to give me your thoughts!)

"May this kiss bring life and breathe into you the powers of a God."

"Why me? I'm just a Nymph, there's nothing special about me..."

"Why not you? You're fair and beautiful, you have stolen my eyes and brought a beat to my heart to which no other could. Reign by my side my dear, and become a Goddess at my arm. Take my hand and join me. I will give you fields of lovely flowers and eternal spring."

"It would be unfavorable for me to do so would it not?"

"My dear, take my gift to be the fairest, be my Flora."

"My name would not remain Chloris?"

"Beautiful Flora of flowers. Do you not enjoy such a change? Be my Goddess of May and spring, be gifted with ever blooming grace and blossoms of the grass and trees. My flower, a goddess in herself. Will you join me for the life I grant you and be with me in every life after?"

Chloris thinks for a moment then slowly nods her head. The beautiful gentle God of the south wind leaves a kiss to her giving her the wonderful powers f spring, leaving behind the Nymph named Chloris and bringing to life the goddess of flowers and fertility called Flora.

Time passes and so does she. Unfortunately Zephyrus is cursed with immortality and falls for the descendants of Flora, and they in turn fall for him remembering her love for him as their own. The more lives they go through together though, the harder it is for him to win her heart as himself. She becomes cold and unremembering of him, and he now has to hide who he is. He still falls for her, his Snow Blossom.

Snow Blossom || Hwang Hyunjin FFWhere stories live. Discover now