Chapter 2

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With a small nudge I'm awake and looking into the huge eyes of Jasmine staring into my soul. I jump out of my skin and smack her without hesitating as she sighs with relief and smiles lightly. I look around only to meet the eyes of Hwang Hyunjin staring me down as intensely as Jasmine was but still no sign of our brothers.

"Are you okay, Rose?"

His voice is gentle and worried, nothing like what I saw earlier with Jisung and Jeongin, and again I wonder, what is this boys deal?


Jasmine snaps my name looking concerned again and making me come out of my haze.

"Yeah, yeah sorry, I'm good just think I may have over worked myself yesterday with the drills on top of today and then drinking coffee right after probably made me weak."

She nods and starts rambling about something but my mind isn't processing her words, I'm frozen to my spot staring out the window, looking out at the snow. The flakes fall lightly and sparkle with the glint from the kitchen light, while still keeping the same white gentleness that they always have. It's calming and I find myself relaxing to a point I haven't felt in years, making me feel very tired. I start to close my eyes and drift to sleep lying on the couch that Jeongin must have set me on when we got to the apartment.

The next morning is a draining Monday morning and I wake to the sounds of alarms blaring as all 4 of our phones go off and the battle for the bathroom begins. I win because I was asleep on the couch about 2 meters from the door, but once I leave I hear thundering footsteps of 2 boys making a straight shot for it and smashing into the door frame on either side of themselves because they hit the door at the same time. Jasmine being Felix's older sister by 30 seconds just hits the floor laughing and clapping frantically. I bolt for my room where the vanity is and start rushing through my hair routine and get my makeup done before slamming the door shut and changing into my uniform.

My only reason for rushing is that today is my day to do the breakfast cooking and lunch money grabbing to make sure everyone has what they need before leaving. Since none of us really had anyone caring for us over the years and through our childhoods, we learned to rely on each other and because of that, we made systems for our habits. Mondays and Fridays are my days every other week, so we go every four days taking care of the days habits and needs for each other.

"Rose! are you ready to go?"

"Yeah Chan, just give me one more second to recount and make sure we all have enough for lunch and snacks and drinks for the day, and grab my bags!"

"I have your bags Rose, don't worry about them, do that last bit and let's skedaddle!"

"Jasmine, who the heck uses the word skedaddle?! Let's just go before I get smacky again."

I hand everyone their cash for the day and check to make sure nothing was left behind or forgotten by anyone, then slip outside through the front door into the snow patch on the front porch before the stairs down to the first floor. I smile at the cold and grab my bags from Jasmine who's all smiles too, and we walk arm in arm to the bus stop to hop on it and catch the early train to our school's stop.

When the bus pulls into the stop at the station we have a few extra minutes to spare so I grab some snow and launch it into the back of my brother's jacket, and as he slow turns to look at me I wail him in the face with another patch of snow then fall back laughing as he shakes his head to knock off the snow. Jasmine sees what I do and we all start firing snowballs at each other, boys against girls, trench style, Jasmine building a small wall, and me firing ball after ball straight at her brother who is also attempting to build a wall.


I have no idea what came over me, but I look at the older man, maybe in his mid 30's, and slowly pull back my hand catapult style, then fire my snowball directly into his chest knocking him to the ground with a force I only use on Chan... who's currently staring me down with a deadly glare, which tells me I screwed up big time.

Snow Blossom || Hwang Hyunjin FFWhere stories live. Discover now