Chapter 1

36 1 9

"Port de bras... Pile... Tendu... Rond de jambe a terre... Passe... Pique... Saute and one more port de bras... into first position and rest."

A chime fills the room and the younger girls start laughing and playing. A smile spreads across my face as I watch them having fun and a blonde girl walks over to me from across the room. With her small face and freckles she's unassuming except she's taller than me which I hate.

"Rose, are you ready to go?"

"Not yet, we always have to make sure all the girls get picked up by their parents. Alright girls! If you have a change of clothes and want to get changed go ahead and do so! Once done come wait in here with us!"

Some of the older girls walk into the back between our dance room and the boys dance room to get changed. The rest help me pull out the chairs from the corner for everyone to sit and rest while waiting for their parents. Once everyone has a chair, I sit on the floor and put my head against the wall behind me. My phone starts ringing and I look to see who's calling me. It's Jasmine.

"Why did you call me, we're in the same room?"

"Because I can. Anyway, the building owner just messaged me saying construction starts next week."

"You mean tomorrow?"

"Tomato, tomato, anyway, she said we'll have to share the room with the hip-hop boys from the room on the other side of the locker rooms. Will I get to see your brother?"

"Jasmine, you see him everyday already."

"Yeah but I'll see him for longer when we come here first then go back to your house."

I roll my eyes and laugh a little. When we first met we were paired for an assignment in class. We became friends pretty quickly and would hang out at her house, but the first time I invited her over she seemed to fall instantly fall in love with my older brother... older by 2 minutes.

"Okay well I'm coming over to you while we wait for everyone to be picked up."

She plops down next to me and smiles while throwing her head onto my shoulder. The mother's and father's and older siblings of the girls come and pick up the children, all of them get grabbed by the people we are allowed to send them off with, and then me and Jasmine head downstairs to the staff changing rooms to get our things from the lockers and get into our normal clothes.

"Okay, so. what are your thoughts on Jeongin?"

"That cute guy you've been hanging out with recently? I mean he's adorable but definitely not my type, he's more of the younger brother kind."

"Ughhhh I'm trying to get you a boyfriend and all you can say is 'he's the younger brother kind' you're so painfully stubborn."

"I'm really not interested in dating, I want to focus on school and dance, that's about it from me, just happy living my life."

I smile and laugh a little at her disappointed face only to find that someone was staring at me from the hallway, right around the corner from the locker room.

"You pervert!"

"Hey hey hey!! It's me calm down!"

"Felix! You can't do that! That's creepy and gross and if it was anyone else you would be in jail."

"Yeah but it's not someone else, it's you and my sister."

It's funny, my best friend is also a twin, she's older by 30 seconds while I'm younger by 2 minutes. It's not a huge difference but my brother is so insistent on 2 minutes being a long time. I can't wait until he has a girlfriend to say that too to watch her laugh at him in his face.

Snow Blossom || Hwang Hyunjin FFWhere stories live. Discover now