2(P : 1) [The President]

402 16 5

Y/n had made it back to his lab after seeing the robot, it was cool to him but it didn't fully interest him to the point of desire

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Y/n had made it back to his lab after seeing the robot, it was cool to him but it didn't fully interest him to the point of desire. With the addition of the Shadow Board calling him out, he didn't want to be in that lab any longer.

They scared him to some point. They knew his secrets.

So at any point of time, he runs from them. Even at the expense of others in his path.

Y/n had started getting ready again to finish up his creature. He called it A.K.I, it was originally a worker for the security bureau but he had tried to go AWOL. So instead of being sent to shadow prison he was instead sent to somewhere worse.

More hellish, he was sent to the body modifications and enhancements department. He was turned into something, a gun fiend. Leading to now, with Y/n almost being done with the creature.

Y/n had just one more sew to finish until a bang had startled him leading to him having to start over again on his last stich

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Y/n had just one more sew to finish until a bang had startled him leading to him having to start over again on his last stich. It was Brett, he was saddened by something. Brett had asked around for the directions of Y/n Lab, almost everyone didn't want to give him the directions since of Y/n threats to them but with Brett's persuasion or more like golden retriever energy he had gotten responses instantly.

Y/n was ready to murder Brett at that point, he was busy. Y/n usually skipped meetings with the others depending if he was dragged along or not so to Y/n Brett didn't really have a reason to be here.

"Uh, hey Y/n nice weather we have today right!"

Brett looked nervous to talk to Y/n, in Brett's perspective Reagen and Y/n were pretty close to the point they knew each other since they were younger. So he didn't have the guts to tell Y/n they swapped the Robotus mission over to himself and Reagen got taken off payroll.

"What the hell are you doing in ny office Brett?"

Y/n was already done with today and just wanted to finish up with A.K.I. So for Brett to pop up randomly and to disturb him was just fueling the fire.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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ʏօʊʀ ʝօɮ (Platonic Yandere Inside Job x M Reader) ◯Where stories live. Discover now