chapter #14

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Receiving an encouraging email while at the salon Mel had a hard time containing him self. The ladies of course want to know what's up hearing from him they've been accepted to the State Drag show. Co-workers and clientele congratulate him wishing them good luck, and want to know what's planned. Noting third times a charm informs them they'll be portraying the same group of C singers with same song. Asked if choreographing their performance Mel knew they should.

In the evening Mel discusses a dance routine ideas with Pete and Jerry. Inspired in the moment Pete and Jerry try a few things while Mel secures lodging on-line. The main hotel for the event center was booked as well as the four closest hotels. Pete suggested Air B'n'Bs while continuing to prance about with Jerry. Switching searches Mel finds many rentals around the city. About to return to the hotel search Mel scans one more page of B'n'Bs catching a luxury downtown apartment across from the event center, for rent that weekend Friday to Sunday for $2500. Mel luvs the interior Pete and Jerry think it way too expensive. Having the money in the account Mel books it, the guys shrug and hope Jeff's okay with that.

At the noisy club Jeff spent another night working quietly. Nearing Europa and Asia, Asia drew her purse in closer as Jeff passed forcing him to realize his co-workers don't trust him. The rest of the night mentally cursing him-self for taking the cash Jeff barely smiled or spoke.

Night's end Jerry slipped out to the beater. Closing the driver's door Jeff's startled as the passenger door opens and Dale let's himself in.

As the car sinks to the man's solid weight Dale slams the door shut, "Jeff man, see you struggling out there tonight. Got that won't be back vibe going on. You want to talk about it?"

"I don't know," Jeff looks over to the large man, "hard to pretend you didn't do something in a place full of pro pretenders." He sighs shrugging.

Questioning or accusing Jeff futile Dale notes his past, "done some shady shit in the day. Like you're finding out some thrills taken effect those that don't deserve it which gets to us good ones." Tapping his noggin a couple time Dale knows Jeff's thinking about life choices. Dale didn't need Berri to tell him what Jeff had been up to, Dale had Jeff figured out before the heist happened. Knowing Tony is upset over this and why, Dale asks for her benefit, "Caught that fuzzy ass security footage. Sometimes people can be identified to others by their ass alone. Seems like SOMEONE saw an irresistible temptation in a prime moment."

Jeff's in awe of the perception, "wasn't planned."

"Mhmm," Dale's satisfied with the brief chat, "let's see them then." He looks to Jeff's chest, "see if it's worth it."

"Ok," assuming Dale spoke with Tony, Jeff feels betrayed some. Actually hoping flashing a co-worker will alleviate workplace tension Jeff lifts up the sweater for a few seconds, "think I'm crazy."

"Fuck yeah," Dale smiles, "but they are a nice pair." Dale's not sure if he should say anything but knows he has a shot with Tony is he can clean him-self up more, "with all this shit you're doing, I'm cool with it, to a point. But a see you walking a fine LINE," indicating the notice in increased drug use, "If you go too far you may miss out on something great, better then any drug or orgasm."

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