Chapter #13

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Entering house to the smell of Chinese food Mel wondered what Pete was up to. Seeing Jeff and the dinning table heaping with full food containers Mel was thrilled to be home. Pete informed Mel their basic topics covered over the table eating.

Excited about the State Drag show Mel informs Jeff they're just waiting on acceptance. Further delighting the guys Jeff was willing to join them getting to the money left over. With his car getting older they should find better transportation with part of the heisted cash and the rest to cover the trip.

Curious to what they can find in autos for $5000 check some online adds. Mel continually points out cute two-seaters and convertibles. Pete was thinking at least a sedan but with all the stuff they carry needed storage space. Deterring some of Mel's sporty choices Pete noted flashy cars being attractors to thieves. Being one Jeff noted an addict might see Mel's make-up case as tool box to sell for a fix so he recommended the mini-vans with storage seating to hide shit. The mom mobile didn't appeal to them at first but while checking ads would see more of those vans. When they saw a bright red mini van with dark tinted windows for $3500 Mel said he could tolerate that.

Dropping Pete off at work Mel and Jeff drove out to inspect the van.

A well taken car of van from family of teen-aged kids ready for more efficient car. No rust, clean in and out Mel said yes before Jeff had a chance to offer less. The owners were only trying to get a thousand more for it than the dealer's offer.

Since he wanted it Mel drove it from there to a u-fix-it lot in the industrial side of town to give both vehicles a once over. Mel didn't like being in that dirty part of town our garage. A couple muscled grease monkeys made it endurable for him. Jeff was surprised the van was mint and not surprised he should scrap the beater while there. Having sentimental value the beater becomes the back-up car. Jeff attempted to show Mel a few things about autos and regular maintenance, Mel maintained focus on the grease monkeys.

Getting them rolling again before a physical fight starts Jeff takes Mel to every Americans' dreaded place the DMV. Allowed to put the title in his name Mel was delighted with the experience. Jeff was embarrassed seen as Mel's partner, oddly not for being another guy, just happy and chatty. Of course asked about insurance Jeff tells the agent that's the next stop allowing her to complete the process there.

By the evening not only was the van insured but Jeff's car and the rental. The agent Mel spoke with finalizing insurance talked him into emails for health and life benefits, he actually read thru and considered.

Spending the day with Jeff was another bro bonding moment for Mel seeing Jeff as a better Uncle figure than the one forced upon him.

Ready to show his face in the Purple Hippo Jeff left Mel after the DMV experience, missing Jerry, worn from the night before came home and crashed.

Dale was the only one giving Jeff the gears for the time missed, the staff all have suspicions Jeff heisted the cash from Hotep, none bring it up. Jeff realizes tone in banter between co-workers and regular patrons is different towards him. Keeping to the tasks required of him doesn't seek conversation but replies normally. After an hour its evident Tony is not happy with him avoiding eye contact and no interactions yet.

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