Just an usual day or is it?

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⚠️Mild/Slight NSFW?-⚠️

(I'm adding my Dsmp Oc inside too lol-
My Dsmp Oc uses She/He/They/Flower pronouns-
I'm writing all of this in 3rd Person POV cause I suck at writing 1st POV despite the fact the novel I'm wiritng is in two different people 1st POV-)

As usual, Wilbur is in Quackity office, full on knowing that he isn't suppose to be there nor was he even suppose to step foot in Las Nevadas but since when did Wilbur ever care or listen if he was ban or not?

There's a knock on the door and the person slowly open it. " Um... Mr. Casino? Can I come in? " ask a female voice. " Come inside. Big Q's not here, Jika. Why are you calling him 'Mr Casino'? Didn't Big Q ask you to call him Quackity or Big Q? " replied Wilbur as Kojika step inside the office and closing the door. " Ah... Yes... I... Uh... Just forgot... Wait... Aren't you ban from stepping foot in Las Nevadas? " Kojika ask as she walks to Quackity's desk, holding a file with what seems like paperworks inside the file. Wilbur smiles and laughs. " You think I will ever listen, Jika? You should know me. " Wilbur replied as he lean on the table. Kojika gave a small laugh. " That's true. " Kojika says as he place the file on the desk. " So, your an paperwork deliever? " ask Wilbur. " Uh, yeah- I always come and deliever paperworks to Mr- Quackity. " Kojika replied. Wilbur just nods his head. The two of them chat for what seems like 5 minutes until the door slam open, Quackity looking piss. " Wilbur fucking Soot. " Quackity spat out Wilbur's name as if it was some disgusting thing to say. Wilbur gave Quackity a shit eating grin which wants to make Quackity punch it off his face. Kojika looks at Quackity and then at Wilbur. Quackity looks at the confuse animal hybrid. " Kojika, your dismiss. " Quackity dismiss Kojika as he walks to Wilbur. " Oh, um alright... Bye Mr- Bye Quackity and Wilbur. " Kojika waves as she walks out of the door and closes it.

" Big Q! Nice to see you too! " Wilbur exclaimed. " Why the fuck are you in Las Nevadas? Let alone in my fucking office? " Quackity ask, glaring at Wilbur. " Aww, is it wrong of me to visit my dearest rival? " Wilbur replies with his usual stupid smile that Quackity just wants to punch it off. " I hardly doubt that you wanted to visit me, Soot. " Quackity answer. " Come on, Big Q. I am telling the truth! Really! " Wilbur insisted as he watch Quackity rubs his temples. " En serio, me estás molestando mucho. " Quackity grumbled. " Big Q, english. You know I don't understand Spanish- " Wilbur pointed out which is useless because Quackity knows. Quackity grabs Wilbur by his trench coat collar and pulls him a little closer to Quackity. Wilbur eyes widen in surprise. " Did you really want to visit me or did you just want to bother me so I can give you what you actually want? " Quackity ask, still glaring at Wilbur. " Uh, I... Um... I... Uhhhh... " Wilbur stammered as his eyes looks away from Quackity, face turning red. Quackity smiles when he realizes the effect his doing on Wilbur. Quackity moves his face a little more closer to Wilbur's. Wilbur who notice it, becomes more red and is stuttering more. Quackity smiles grew more and chuckles. " Your really too easy, darling. " Quackity murmured and Wilbur just gave a small nervous chuckle. " What is Big Q trying to do?! We're so fucking close, is he trying to kiss me or something?! I mean we have kiss before but stil!? " Wilbur thought or more like screaming in his mind. " Really too easy, mi amor... " Quackity murmured out again as Wilbur eyes is just darting everywhere.

Quackity laughs a little and kisses Wilbur on the lips which Wilbur was taken a back but kisses Quackity back. A few minutes later, Quackity pull away and watch as Wilbur is still trying to process on what just happen. Mouth still a little open, not knowing wheather should Wilbur close his mouth or not. Quackity chuckles and let's go of Wilbur trench coat collar and held his chin. " You can really be too easy, niño bonito. " Quackity states as Wilbur closes his mouth and looks away from Quackity. " Soot, look at me. " Quackity demands which Wilbur does and Quackity smiles. " Good boy, now your gonna sit on my lap and let me do my paperworks, alright? " Quackity spoke and Wilbur nods his head, still trying to process what the fuck is happening. Quackity still smiling, goes to sit on his chair and motions Wilbur to come. Wilbur slowly walks to Quackity and sat down on his lap. " What the fuck is happening? " Wilbur said out loud which causes Quackity to laugh a little. " Whatever you think is happening in that brain of yours, mi amor. " Quackity replies as he opens his file. " Shut up... " Wilbur mumbles and rest his head on Quackity's beanie. Quackity pats Wilbur thigh and begins doing his paperwork.

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