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Hi if you are here, you probably saw my other asylum creepypasta book which was shit if I am being honest. I definitely have grown in a writer and will be making an effort in my writing. I will be re-writing some books, scrapping some, and coming out with new books. I will be graduating in less than a week and will have lots of time to write stories. Now onto the creepypasta and the Y/N I am writing about.

This story will rarely have Slenderman in it. The point of the book is to make the proxies to be free of Slenderman and trying to get help. Of course, this will also have a romantic theme to it. I have been heavily into creepypasta again mainly 'proxies. So, let's get into the characters and how they will act

Y/N: Will be gender neutral, Y/N is bisexual. They are 5'5. They are 21 years old. You can determine how they look. I will put in my own way I picture Y/N but you can change them to how you see fit. Now Y/N will have ocd anxiety and anxiety tics. I will have information on what every disability I mention just to shed light to them.

Tim Wright: He will be 25 years old. He is 5'10. He has scraggly brown fluffy hair, brown eyes, and he also has sideburns because yes. He wears a red and black flannel with a white tee underneath and blue jeans.

Mental Disability: Paranoid Schizophrenia, Social anxiety, Ataxaphobia, Dystychiphobia, Necrophobia, Depression, Insomnia, Seizures, PTSD, Intermittent explosive disorder, and Avoidant Personality Disorder.

Brian Thomas: He will be 26 years old and 6'3. He has short fluffy light brown hair. He has brown eyes and has a bit of stubble on his chin. He wears black tee and black jeans. Most of his tees have dumb phrases on them.

Mental Disabilities: Social anxiety disorder, Panic disorder, Depression, PTSD, Depersonalization/derealization disorder, Restless legs syndrome, Selective mute, agoraphobia, Automatonophobia, Autophobia, Daemonophobia, Haphephobia, Necrophobia, Necrophobia, and Scopophobia

Toby Rogers (Yes, I am bringing him in I will of course be respectful towards the way the character is so Toby will have the personality I see him as): He will be 19 years old and 6'2. He has short fluffy dark brown hair. He has brown eyes and has a bandage constantly on the side of his mouth. He wears a blue and beige hoodie and blue jeans. He feels most comfortable in his clothes.

Mental Disabilities: Tourette's, Bipolar disorder, Panic disorder, Separation anxiety disorder, Depression, Acute stress disorder, PTSD, Depersonalization/derealization disorder, Body dysmorphic disorder, Parasomnias, Intermittent explosive disorder, Achluophobia, Angrophobia, Atychiphobia, Catagelophobia, Claustrophobia, Nyctophobia, Pyrophobia, and Scopophobia

Cody Virus (Will not be a love interest just a family type bond...He will have a puppy crush on someone else): He will be 15 years old and 5'9. He has short dark brown hair. He has blue eyes. He is wearing a black jacket with a yellow shirt and blue jeans.

Mental Disabilities: Bipolar disorder, Panic disorder, Separation anxiety disorder, Depression, Acute stress disorder, PTSD, Depersonalization/derealization disorder Dependent personality disorder, Achluophobia, Algophobia, Aichmophobia, Agoraphobia, Astraphobia, Decidophobia, Emetophobia, Necrophobia, Nosocomephobia, Somniphobia, and Wiccaphobia.

Monifa Shani (Moni): She is 15 years old and 5'3. She has Jet black cornrows with a mix of pastel green and has red eyes. She is usually wearing a green overall with a cat pocket and a black and white striped sweater.

Mental Disabilities: Paranoid Schizophrenia, Social anxiety, Dystychiphobia, Necrophobia, Depression, Insomnia, PTSD, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCD), Avoidant personality disorder, Anthropophobia, Arachnophobia, Catagelophobia, and Catoptrophobia

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