Monifa Shani

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Here is some info on Monifa Shani and what she looks like. This form is found on deviantart no clue who made it bur I claim no credit to the form just the oc

Creepypasta Name (What he/she is known as): Death Wish
Actual name: Monifa Shani
Title (Mister, Mr, Miss, Mrs etc.): Miss
Religion: Wicca
Reason or meaning of name: Bullies wanted her dead and they got what they wanted but she came back and made them all have a death wish.
Also known as/ Nickname: Moni
Reason for nickname: Monifa is hard to pronounce for people
Date of birth: 2/14/08
Age: 15
Age of death (If applicable): 10
Date of death (If applicable): 1/11/18
Gender (If applicable): Female
Species: Human
Weight: 128
Height: 5'3
Birthplace: Diyarb Najm, Egypt
Current location: Mira Monte, CA


Mother: Rabiyah Shani
Father: Kazunobu Shani
Siblings: Naoko (oldest), Nick ( third oldest), Chiko (second Oldest)
Other relatives: N/A
friends/ Best friends: Adela Othello
Relationship status: Single
Rivals: Bullies
Enemies: Bullies
Opinion of other people in general: Eh stays away
Does the character hid their true opinions and emotions from others?: Yes
Person character most hates: Mila Vazquez
Person character goes to for advice: N/A
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Alfie (her puppy)
Person character feel shy or awkward around: Awkward
Person character openly admires: Adela
Person character secretly admires: Adela
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Adela
After story starts: Tim Wright


Age: 15
Age they appear: 14
Body build: Normal
Glasses or contacts (If applicable): Jackal Mask
Overall attractiveness: 8/10
Usual fashion of dress: Alt
Favourite outfit (If applicable): Frog Overalls and a black and green striped sweater
Jewellery or accessories: N/A
Tattoo(s): N/A
Scar(s): Burn marks on her hands and feets
Other noticeable marks(s): N/A
Posture: Sloutch
Usual clothing:  Frog Overalls and a black and green striped sweater and mask
Hair colour: Jet black and Pastel green
Hair length (Short, medium, long etc.): Long
Eye colour: Orient Red
Height: 5'3
Weight: 128
Skin tone: Mocha

*About them*

Good Personality traits: Reflective
Bad personality traits: Aimless
Mood character is most often in: Isolated
Sense of humour: Eh not the greatest
Characters greatest joy in life: Masky/Tim Wrighr
Why?: He treated her like an older brother
Characters greatest fear: Losing her mind
Why?: She doesn't want to be controlled she wants to be in control
What single event would ruin this persons life?: Slenderman finally controlling her mind
Character is most at ease when: Tim is with her
Most ill at ease when: Slenderman is anywhere near
Angry when: Toby annoys her
Depressed when: Toby annoys her
Life goal: Make it out alive
Life philosophy: Be the reason someone smiles
Priorities: Her Life
Characters soft spot: Tim Wright
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Yes
Characters darkest secret: She has a crush on Cody
Likes: Dancing, Singing, music in general
Dislikes: Slenderman
Reason for killing (If applicable): Bullies
Hobbies: Playing instruments
Catchphrase (If applicable): Never laugh when a herse go may be the next to die
How they kill: Usually strangling or drowning maybe knife if needed
Weapon(s) of choice: Rope
Target: Bullies and Offenders
Sexual orientation: Questioning
Positive traits: Courageous
Negative traits: Scrooge
Talent(s): Guitar, Violin, Piano, and singing


Home town: Diyarb Najm, Egypt
Type of childhood: She had a decent childhood
Pets: 2 dogs
Most important memory: Hugging her older siblings one last time
Why?: She hugged her siblings and went to go to school but I car sped past and hut a light pole that then fell on her and electrocuted and fried her infront of her older siblings
Dream job before pasta: Musician
Education: High school
Religion: Wicca


Current location: Mira Monte, CA
Currently living with: Tim, Brian, Toby, and Cody (in the story she is living an in insane asylum)
Pets: Alfie her puppy
Religion: Wicca


Colour: Traffic Red
Least favourite colour: Moss Green
Music: Jazz
Food: Burgers
Literature: Art of War: Sun Tzu
Form of entertainment: Singing
Expressions: Happy
Mode of transport: Walk? Sometimes van
Most prized possession: Guitar


Hobbies: Playing music
Musical instrument: Guitar and Violin
Plays sport: N/A
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Playing music outside
Extremely skilled at: Playing guitar
Extremely unskilled at: Cooking
Nervous ticks: Leg shaking, head spasm, and making popping sounds with her mouth
Usual body posture: Sloutch
Mannerisms: Pauses when speaking
Peculiarities: Wearing her mask
Smokes: N/A
Drinks: N/A
Other drugs: Ibuprofen and Melatonin
Spending habits: N/A


Optimist or pessimist? Optimist
Extrovert or introvert? Introvert
Cautious or outgoing? Cautious

*Self perception*

How does the character see them self?: She loves herself
One word to describe them self: Crybaby
One paragraph to describe them self: A hard working child who grew up at a young age. Tries to make everyone happy even if their situation is bad.
What does the character consider their best personality trait: Happiness
What does the character consider their worst personality trait: Stubborn
What does the character consider their best physical characteristic: Smile
What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic: Eyes
How does the character think others perceive them: Chikd
What would the character most like to change about them self: Eyes


Powers (If applicable): N/A
Physical strengths: N/A
Physical weakness: N/A
Forms (If applicable): I mean ghost form?

Powers (If applicable): N/APhysical strengths: N/APhysical weakness: N/AForms (If applicable): I mean ghost form?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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