𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓟𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻'𝓼 𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓻𝓸𝓸𝓶? 18 [Edited]

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When we got inside, I instructed Dia to go put on his onesie. Lol, I get to instruct a future demon king🤭 Yeah, remember when I got us onesies? That's exactly what I'm wearing.

Dia nodded, excited to be able to have a sleepover. Yep, sleepover. I'm fuckin staying. I'll call Lucifer later but right now... It's just me and my two demon buddies.

Out of context though, ... Have you seen this man's titties? Gawddayum I wanna be suffocated in those. I love Dia.. he a true homie but ONE CHANCE, PLEASE🙏

As I'm fighting my inner thoughts I look up to see Dia in his Dino Onesie. Dayum look at those tit-

"You ok (n/n)?" I look up, flustered as fuck but manage to push it down. "Hm? Yea I'm ok, just a little distracted, that's all. Come on! We got so much to do!"
"Uggh" I wake up with a headache and my body sore all over. I look around and see Dia on the other side of the room, sleeping.

He was sleeping on his stomach and half of his onesie off his shoulder. Lawrd have mercy.

I rub my eyes and sit up. I look around and see a huge mess. It's almost like we got drunk. If we did I would've thought some pervert shit.

I saw bowls of ramen on the ground, cups of hot chocolate, and five packages of cookies scattered. To top it all off, a fort of blankets and pillows are everywhere.

I stood up, stumbling a little, and walked out. (Not before taking a pic of Dia first)
I see Barbie toes walking towards the room I just walked out off.

"Oh, Lady (y/n). I was just about to bring breakfast in and wake Lord Diavolo up."
I smiled. "Thanks Barbatos." I chuckled, wincing at my pounding head.

Would you like some medication, Ms. (Y/n)?" I nodded with a begging look. I was in so much pain right now. He gently grabbed my hand and placed a small tab into my palm.

"Well I suppose you should get your uniform on. There is a spare in your size in the bathroom to the right, three doors down." I nod and go to get my new uniform on.

In the bathroom is a packaged toothbrush, hairbrush, and even a pack of hair ties. Not the cheap shit either...

I nod to myself in approval. "I like it. Picasso." I got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth. When I was done, I went back to the room to see it was spotless, Sebastian- no I mean Barbie toes- no that's wrong too... Uhhh..

"BARBATOS." He jumped at how loud I was."Yes Ms. (Y/n)?" His voice trembled as a bit of red dusted his cheeks. I didn't notice, however. But It seems that Dia did, because his laughter seemed to have shook the entire castle.

I laughed too but I didn't know why we were laughing. I just laughed with him.
Finally he calmed down and was only lightly chuckling, but I was so out of it today, I sat there laughing like an idiot.

"Ha... Ha.. oh- we stopped laughing?"
Dia just nodded. "Ahem, I think it's time to head to R.A.D now, Lord Diavolo and Ms. (y/n)."

I groaned and slowly walked out of the door (not without stealing a donut looking thing)
"Ms. Wilson? Can you solve for X?" I look up to her, half asleep. "uhh.. 47." "Can you tell me how you acquired the answer?" I grumbled. "No Ms. Fish lips. Just write the answer down and continue with class. Thank you."

Boy was she pissed. This teacher looked like one of them dry mouthed, red lipstick and glasses, a red dress and her hair in a bun. I get really grumpy in the mornings! Ain't my fault.

"Go to the detention room this instant!" Is she pissed because I insulted her tuna breath? I'm still half asleep so I still don't know what the fuck I did wrong, but still got up to go to wherever the detention room is.

𝕹𝖔𝖙 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖄𝖊𝖙 [𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙀𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜] Where stories live. Discover now