The venom of love (Venomqueens)💜💚

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Spider queen was with her children and with MK (cause he feels like a son to her) and they were all just talking about normal things. Then after a bit Spider queen asks the others a question that shocked them.
(Spider queen's POV:)
Me and my children were talking to MK cause his friends were away and, we all know how he gets when he is all alone, so we let him hang out with us and talk with us til they get back. (It helps him get over his phobia of spiders) Then a question that was in my head for a while kept bothering me til I decided to ask it.. "hey, MK? Huntsman? Syntax?" I asked them as they all looked at me confused. "Yes queen?" They all almost in unison asked as I took a deep breath. "What is...Love..?" I asked them then they looked shocked on how that just came out randomly out of the blue. "Well..there are many forms of Love, why do you ask?" "And which type of love?" Syntax & huntsman asked as I sighed again "I think I'm in love with someone but I don't know how to tell if I truly am or not.." I told them as they looked over at MK "we don't really know how to explain it...could you explain it please?" Huntsman asked MK as he nodded, the reason was cause MK is the only one who is really dating someone, the rest of them have not confessed to their lovers yet. "Well....Love is like a good feeling inside, where it's like you have butterflies in your stomach, and you feel like you want to be with that person forever and never want to leave their side...that's what I felt when I was with Redson.." MK said blushing when he talked about his boyfriend. Then turned his attention back at me "So, who's the lucky guy?" MK asked as I looked at him confused. "What guy??" I asked as he realized. "Oops, sorry queen, Who's the lucky girl?" MK corrected himself as I sighed a bit "It's...the scorpion queen..I love her.." I said nervously as MK looked shocked at first then he smiled. "Oh! Well, that's cool! We support you, plus I think she likes you back!" MK said. "Really..?" I asked as he nodded "How can you tell that?" Huntsman asked confused "A few days ago when me & Wukong decided to visit her, she asked us the same question and then told us she was in love with you as well!" MK said joyfully. "We can help you confess if you want! Right guys?" MK said then looked at Syntax & Huntsman as they nodded. A few minutes later of planning we all of a sudden heard a ding. "Oh! Sorry gotta check that." MK said, the ding was from his phone as he read the text and was texting back, once he was done he put his phone away as he got up (they were sitting down) "sorry guys, it was Redson, he wanted to know if we could go out to lunch." MK said nervously "Go ahead and have fun with your boyfriend dear!" I said to MK as he smiled and gave us a quick hug goodbye as ran outside to see Redson, who was picking him up. I sighed happily when I heard that Scorpion queen was also in love with me and it got me all excited to see and tell her for some reason? I guess this is the Venom of love after all...
That's the end!!^^ if you have any other suggestions or ship ideas, let me know!! Til then, cya later!! And don't forget to eat and drink some water! Cya!🌙💫

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