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Leo Valdez POV

One hell of a time has Leo Valdez had since learning he was a demigod. He fought in a war, all his friends thought he died... oh and he finally came to terms with the fact he was... maybe he didn't. What mattered was that Leo did finally feel happy with life.

He loved everything about Camp Half-Blood. He had a home now. A home permanent home. One with so many friends an opportunities. He woke up every day with people who understood him. They knew he wasn't just some delinquent with low self esteem and an obsession with fire. Well the obsession of fire might have actually gotten worse, but that was a good thing for once.

It was Winter now, not that you could tell within the borders of the camp. It simply meant that there was few Half-bloods roaming around the camp. Just those with poor family lives. So obviously Leo was one of those. Percy and Annabeth are staying with Percy's mom and his step-father at his appartement. Piper was with her dad. Frank was back in Canada. Hazel was at Camp Jupiter. Which just left Jason and Leo at Camp Half-blood. Leo supposed there was also Nico but he could never figure that kid out. Leo wasn't sure why Jason decided to stay at the greek camp when he's the son of a Roman god. He liked to think Jason stayed because of him but that couldn't be the only reason.

Without war Leo felt a little directionless. He was happy it was over but for once Leo felt like he was actually needed for something. He still built weapons but it didn't feel as meaningful when their wasn't an active threat in his life. That sounded stupid but Leo enjoyed the attention he got from creating cool contraption that could fight a god that had been tormenting him his whole life.

Now Leo spent most of his time hanging out with Jason. Which was where he was heading now. Jason and him met every day before sunrise since the others went home. They were both always too tired and would end up taking mid morning naps every day but it was a time where few campers were up so they could be in peace.

As Leo approached the beach he saw the familiar blond standing idly as he looked at the water. If had Percy's water powers Leo would bet that Jason would somehow find a way to bring Percy back to camp through the ocean just to mess with him.

"Jason!" Leo called out as he quickened his pace to meet his friend.

Once Leo approached closer Jason held out his arms for a hug. Which was not apart of their usual routine but Leo was not complaining. Jason held their hug for a while to the point where Leo could tell he really needed it.

"Is there something wrong?" Leo asked when Jason let go.

Jason looked hesitant to answer but eventually he spoke up, "Stress..."

Leo tugged on Jason's arm to lead them to the two Adirondack chairs they had permanently set up for the mornings. Jason and Piper had mutually decided to call quits a few months ago so Leo couldn't go with his usual (slightly spiteful) "relationship problems?" question. He noticed that Jason had brought coffee and there was a mug placed on each of their chairs. They both drank it black.

"You remembered my coffee order," Leo joked.

Jason let out a small laugh, "You don't need to make that joke every time I get you coffee."

Leo smiled, "But you laugh every time."

"Because it's so stupid how you make it every time," Jason's smile matched Leo's.

"What's stupid is that you get me coffee in the mornings when you know that's just gonna make me tired," Leo quipped.

"I'm just making sure you get some sleep because we both know you have met me here without sleeping the night before," Jason said defensively.

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