Chapter 15

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As the beautiful waiter stops pushing the cart that has some food, she saw Denver and Aaron and from there she spoke

Beautiful Waiter: Oh

and then she doesn't mind them as the things she needed is important as the passengers need it, until she is about to head to the drawer but saw Denver blocking it and then she spoke

Beautiful Waiter: Excuse me

Denver: Oh, I'm so sorry.

and then she stands aside as the waiter get the things she needed while Denver and Aaron looked at each other and then broke eye contact as they needed t wait for the waiter to get out to continue there fight

as the waiter finished what she needed to get she asked the two is they needed something and from there Aaron spoke

Aaron: Oh, no, thank you. We're okay-

Denver: Oh, I would love a bottle of water.

and then The Waiter shows Denver the bottles of water that she can choose and from there Denver spoke again

Denver: You know what? Do you have, um, anything sparkling?

Beautiful Waiter: With bubbles?

Denver: Yep

Beautiful Waiter: *shows her the bottle that Denver needed* Is this the one?

Denver: Hai, how much?

Beautiful Waiter: A thousand yen

Denver: Okay give me a sec *check her wallet and only got 500 yen left* oh my I didn't have any more money left, can you pay the other half for me good sir?

Aaron: . . .Fine *pulls out 500 yen and gives it to the Waiter after she gets the other half*

Denver:  Arigato

and then the Waiter told Denver your welcome and then she leaves them with Denver starting to drink the water

Aaron: That's ten quid for that bottle of water, mate.

Denver: British?

Aaron: Half British, Half American

Denver: I see *continues to drink a few more gulps of water and then she spoke* You sure you don't want to talk this out?

Aaron: Not particularly, no.

Denver: Ah *closes the water bottle by using the bottles cap* Okay then

and then she throws the bottle to Aaron's face and from there they continue there fight

As Aaron recovered from getting hit from the head quickly, he grips Denver's jacket and slams her at the glass window close to the train driver's seat

Aaron: You fucking bastard! Fucker!

and then she slams Denver at the second Train drivers seat and started to punch her in the face and then he gets the seatbelt and attempts to choke her with it

But Denver manages to prevent the seatbelt from choking causing her to atleast to give her some air to breathe

and then she saw a red button that can automatically open the train driver doors and uses her feet to open the cover to activate it, and so she spoke to distract Aaron

Denver:  I know who killed the kid.

Aaron: Yeah? Where the fuck is that person, then?

Denver: The person is on this train.

Aaron: Oh, well, that narrows it down, then, don't it?

and then she kicks the cover, destroying it and pressing the button, causing the door to open dragging the two of them out, with Denver hanging on the seatbelt while Aaron is on her foot

To be continued

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