The sight which met his eyes was that of a slender, girlish figure, similar in every detail to the stories of angels he'd heard many times before. Her face was oval and beautiful in the extreme, her every feature finely chiseled and exquisite, her b...
War. The galaxy had seen much of it. A woman, lost to a time she was never meant to see, had lived too much of it . . .
Suffering. The galaxy was filled with it. A boy, said to be the Chosen One of a Jedi's prophecy long foretold, was destined to be consumed by it . . .
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lynn collins as dejah thoris
"Any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we are doomed. This is the essence of the Jedi. You will never be fairer than you are now. We will never be here again."
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hayden christensen as anakin skywalker
"The truth is, I was always dreaming of other worlds, of flying away from that desolate planet... and then I met you, and I knew I would never dream a better dream again."
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ewan mcgregor as obi-wan kenobi
"You made him happy, when nothing else ever truly could."
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liam neeson as qui-gon jinn
"You bore all the responsibility for what happened. You went over and over your mistakes. You must know this, Dejah — it is Anakin who chose to turn to the dark side. Grief did not push him there. You did not push him there. He made the choice."
and finally, the rest of the star wars cast as their respective roles.