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"Good morning, Sir James." Corinthia greeted as she approached the old man's small cottage.

It was a simple home, with a small garden and a rocking chair at the porch. At the center of the garden was a round wooden table and two chairs where Corinthia and Sir James did most of their readings and conversations. Being a man of 70 years, he was still strong enough to fend for himself, but no longer capable of helping with the harvest. So he just manages his own garden, sell a couple of flowers and fruits daily, and is also a member of the Elder's Council.

"Why, hello child. Seeing you here on this momentous day only means your dad still didn't allow you to attend the Peace Ceremony." he pointed out.

Corinthia forced out a small smile, "I'm afraid you're right, sir." she replies with a nod.

She tells him everything, including the fact that her father and her have been cold with each other for years now. He was her source of comfort, companionship, and inspiration. She sometimes wished Sir James was her father.

"Well, then I hope you don't mind hanging out with an old man like me instead. It's not much of a consolation though, child." he says, a dry smile on his face.

Corinthia smiled back, "You know that's not true, sir. I always love spending time with you."

The old man smiled affectionately at her, "I am honored to hear that." then he held out a hand. Corinthia took it. "Shall we now head to the Garden?"

She nodded and they walked over to the center of his flowery garden.


While the Elder gave an opening speech for the ceremony, Jasper was busy eyeing every man who tried to make a move on Cynthia.

Naturally, she noticed.

"Jasper, I would appreciate it if you act like my mate and enjoy the day with me, instead of acting like a bodyguard of the Prince." she teased him.

He looked at her and smirked, "Sorry, you just had to be 'that girl' every guys' after."

She narrowed her eyes at him. And then rolled it at him, "It's not like I enjoy that."

He hugged her waist then and pecked her cheek, "Fine, I'll ease up and enjoy the day with you... But if that Hunter Representative does anything suspicious, this day won't be the Peace Ceremony a moment longer."

Cynthia laughed, "Oh you." she pinched his cheeks. "I don't think Greg's the type. And neither do I think I'm his type." she paused to laugh, "He's in love with his little hunting spear. He's married with his job as the whole Union's junior warrior."

"Still. He has an amazing voice and you can never be too careful."

"Hay, And you'll always be too paranoid." she laughed.

As if she wanted to spend the rest of her life with someone else. As soon as she reaches the age of 18, she'll be legally allowed to marry... And then, all she has to do is wait for him to propose.

"You're having that goofy smile on your face again... What're you thinking of?" Jasper asked curiously.

"Hehe, nothing dear." she giggled, as she continued to daydream about her wedding day.

Two more years... Just a little more wait till paradise. Surely nothing would go wrong...



"So, you're sister will give an oration and Greg will give a musical performance?" Sir James asked for clarification, although he already knew the answer. Just making small talk.

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