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The next morning, everyone gathered at the Town Square to give a farewell party in honor of the Prince Zerah and Sir Josef. This was also to thank them for the service they've done the night before. It was a formal, yet festive, event. Women performed dances and men played musical instruments. Also, the Elder gave a speech in honor of the Prince and as well as for Corinthia, being the two members of the Salvation Triumvirate. Also, the Elder offered a public apology to Sir James for the way the council treated him in the last meeting. He also wished him the best and that he succeeds as mentor of a triumvir. Sir James accepted the apology and offered his thanks as well.

When the event came to its conclusion, everyone walked as if forming a parade, escorting Corinthia, the Prince and their mentors to the Main gate of the Union.

And now, it was time for goodbyes.

"Once again, we thank you for honoring us with your presence sire, and for the service you've offered to this Union. May the master of Old and New protect you in your journey back to the Capital." the Chief of the Security Army had said, offering a bow.

Prince Zerah nodded in acknowledgement and said, "It was my duty as a member of the Royal Family. Once I return, I shall send a squad of the Royal Army to assist you if ever the Modosites dare strike back again. Although I have a feeling that it is unlikely they return, it's better to be safe than sorry."

The Chief nodded once again, "Thank you sire. I will welcome the Royal Army with open arms."

Zerah smiled and nodded, "As it should be." Then he turned, "Corinthia, it's time to..." he trailed off when he realized that she wasn't beside him. He looked around and saw that she was giving a hug to her sister in the sidelines.

"I... I'll miss you terribly, sister." Cynthia sniffed, her eyes red from crying.

Corinthia squeezed her eyes shut, trying to keep herself from crying now too. She had to be strong. Her departure was hard on the whole family. She had to convince them that she was ready for this journey... even though she really scared inside.

The sisters pulled away and Corinthia tried to smile widely, "I'll come back once this whole thing is over... and then everything will be just like it was before." she promised.

"Well of course you'll come back!!" Scott went over and gave his little sister a big bear hug.

"Scott!" she laughed as he messed with her hair.

"And I'm willing to bet that once you get back, a whole bunch of suitors will be waiting to woo a heroine's heart... of course, they have to go through me first... the same way Jasper did before he got to Cynthia." he laughed.

Jasper was with them and he heard that. "Um, yeah... Not something I like to remember." he sighed. Cynthia giggled and hugged his arm.

Corinthia gave her big brother a tight embrace and said "I'll miss you so much brother..." then she pulled away, "Try to write back to my letters okay?"

Scott narrowed his eyes, "Well... oh, alright... I just hope you understand it despite my bad handwriting."

She laughed, "I'm sure I can manage..."

Next was her mom. This time she got a little teary eyed because her mom was her best friend after Cynthia. "You'll be okay... I know you will..." she whispered to her ear when they hugged. When she pulled away, "You're my brave girl. Keep yourself safe okay? And have some fun while you're on this mission to save the world."

Corinthia smiled and nodded, "Yes mom... I will."

And then, finally... Her father.

Unlike the others, they didn't hug. She stood straight in front of him and bowed once, "Father... I'll be back. I promise. This time... I'll make you proud." she said.

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