Simply Sweet

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Time for Lunch, I'll see Kelsey probably eating her lunch with a pile of math books in front of her. I can't blame her for being a geek.

I entered the lunch room and sat across from Kelsey. She was eating an apple and staring off to the other side of the room. "KELZ!" I snapped. She shook like she was scared to death, like seriously.

"Hey Haydin, what brings you to planet geek" Kelsey joked, as she flipped to the next page in her book. She would say that all the time whenever she studies during lunch. She is obsessed with math, science, chemistry...and everything else actually. Kelsey would go on and on about math problems. 24x24-3? It's pretty easy for you, but I'm not a geek person, I am fashionista Haydin, who wears anything to Coco Bell shoes to Justice sweaters and shirts.

"HAYDIN!" Kelsey yelled at me, I stared at her, hmm, I guess I dozed off for a minute too.

Kelsey was pointing to the school billboard, her face was so red and her mouth was opened so wide, I actually could see the tip top of her perfectly pink gums. "HAYDIN! COME ON!"

I followed Kelsey to the billboard. I had no idea what was so special on there, if its about a spelling bee or an upcoming mathletes competition... Kill me.


Kelsey grabbed a bright green flyer. She put in right in my face and she started reading it:

*This Year At Kirkwood Academy, we will be holding a "Best Dessert Contest"

Whoever makes the best dessert for judges will be given $100, each person in the team.

Be creative, make turkey cupcakes, gingerbread cookies, but it has to taste the best in order for your dessert to win! If you choose to sign up, please meet the principal at the auditorium after school, the buses will wait extra for you.*

My face went red, my mouth went huge, THIS IS GREAT. Me and Kelsey LOVE baking! In 3rd grade, we had a bake sale in the summer called "Welcome To Cupcake Land"

We made a lot of money, because we made everything by ourselves. There was cookies, brownies, gingerbread cookies, cupcakes, and even 3 cakes!

"Haydin, lets go back to the lunchroom to talk about this, we have to win the contest!" Kelsey squealed.

I raced down the hall and sat down where I was, finding myself sitting next to this hideous girl. She has no makeup or any Coco Bell shoes! Not even Justice jeans, she is wearing a plaid skort (skirt+short) gross!

I looked at Kelsey, she gave the girl a weird smirk, the girl gave Kelsey one back, they must know each other.

"Kelz, do you know this girl sitting next to me?" I whispered to her ear.

"Yep. My mortal enemy, Flora Phillips. The girl who is up my level with intelligence. She thinks she will beat in The spelling bee and mathletes and even the state science fair? No way, Jośe!"

I suddenly felt quirky about this... Flora. She seemed like those geeks too, but who dresses in that geek way.

"So Flora, did you hear about the "Best Dessert" Contest this year, the winning contestants win a $100!" Kelsey


"Yes I heard, I am entering the contest. It's my first year, I take cooking classes with Ms. Slater every Wednesday after mathletes practice" She said.

"Ms. Slater? She is 21 and just began to learn how to cook. Me and Haydin were baking since we were 5! We can make about any dessert for you!"

"Really? Can you make me a delicious chocolate brownie along with some lemon ricotta cookies with lemon glaze?"

Wow. I felt like to put my foot in her mouth, actually no I didn't. Me and Kelsey can bake ANYTHING. But we never heard of a lemon ricotta cookie with lemon glaze? It sounds very tempting, but Kelsey hates lemons. Like really hates them.

"Lemons! I hate lemons! They always give me a sore throat and whenever I see them, my eyes feel like they have been stabbed with a sour knife!" Kelsey cried.

"So little miss perfect baker and honor student can't make it for me! Oh what a shame!"

"Listen Flora, you can't make everything like we make. We make cakes, cupcakes, cookies, brownies, by the way, here is a piece of my chocolate brownie I made yesterday night. Try it" I said, giving her a decent amount of my brownie.

She stuffed it all in her mouth, and swallowed it like 1.2.3.

"Wow, this is...amazing and so full of chocolate!" Flora confessed.

I knew she would love it, everyone does. Flora and nobody can possibly beat our awesome baking skills.

"Ok, I'll give you that. But watch your back Kelsey Buttson and brownie maker girl!" Flora told, then she stormed out of the table.

I was still feeling hyper and excited about this contest, but I looked at the time. 5 more minutes till we go to homeroom to get our stuff and head to the auditorium later.

As I finished my brownie, Kelsey carried her books in her hands and stood up from her seat.

"Hey Kelz, where are you going!" I quickly asked her.

"To my locker, to drop off my books. 2 more minutes till the announcement for the contest." Kelsey stated.

2 more minutes, yay! I headed out the lunchroom and opened my locker. I grabbed my history book and math notebook and a few pencils. I still have to do boring homework.

Kelsey and I went to the school wide closet where you leave all your belongings. We entered inside.

I tripped over a few backpacks, but I was fine. I saw my tote bag that had blue green flowers on it.

I dumped my books in there and put it on my back and waited outside the closet for Kelsey. What was she doing in there?

Then there was a message from Principal from the speaker in front of me:

*Please Pardon the interruption, all students who is interested or dying to know more about our contest, please get your stuff from the closet and sit down in the auditorium. Thank you.*

When Kelsey came out, I told her about the announcement.

We were on our way to the the auditorium. 😀😉😊

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