barbaras pov

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it's so nice to not worry about the dishes for once. i am not going to lie, my hand in melissa's hand earlier .. when she said "do anything we want together " i might've took that a different way then she intended , but i honestly don't think so. melissa has looked so into me recently , and i know that she is bi. in college, i experimented a bit,  but was most comfortable with men .. now , maybe not so much. she's wearing her signature leather jacket and pants today . i walk into the kitchen, and she looks so stunning. how can one be so beautiful, just washing dishes? she didn't take long, only abt 5 minutes, and turns around realizing im there.
"melissa?" i ask her. "yes barb?"
"can i .. can i ki.. kiss you? "i ask, reluctantly. in my head , i'm going "barbara, what in the world did you just do?" but on the outside i'm blushing, and in answer , melissa says "are you sure this is what you want?? "
"honey , i've never been more sure of this then anything in my life."
i grab hold of her waist, slowly, so not to startle her, and i look at her for permission to do more. she kisses me and grabs my back, and kisses me more slowly and passionately, romantically. she says "come on barb, let's take this somewhere else . remember , at any point if you want me to stop, i'll stop . don't be afraid to say no okay? "
i nod , and kiss her once more. she drags me to her room upstairs , and grabs my hand , leading me gently onto the bed. "is it okay if i kiss you faster ? " i kiss back faster and rougher in answer, and she laughs and shakes her head. she kisses me more and more , until eventually, i'm lying down, and she's on top of me.
"can i??" melissa asks suggestively, looking at my boobs and vagina , as if to say "can we take this further then it is?" "yes, baby. "
*25 minutes later*
we're both exhausted, we just had quite the time. possibly the most fun i've had in ages. i'm lying hand in hand with melissa, and she asked, again , checking to make sure she didn't hurt me and that everything she did was okay. "melissa baby, it was more then okay. it was wonderful."
melissa lies her head on my chest, and i relax my head into hers, stroking through her hair gently. "you know, i never told you this, but i've wanted to do this with you for a very long time ". melissa laughs , turning to look at me. "oh i know love. me too. me. too. "

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