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I was busy tying my hair up when Matthias held a Red Bull out to me with a grin "One of the great perks of driving for Red Bull." he winked.

I accepted the can with a grin after finishing the deep bun and then opened it for myself. I tried to calm the excitement boiling inside me with deep breaths. Qualifying yesterday had gone well. Amazingly well.

I would start from eighth place. Our cars were much more competitive than I had anticipated. Probably than anyone had thought. Sebastian started from 6th place. I had to admit defeat to him, at least in qualifying. Only this time.

I had just taken a deep sip from my can when Sebastian and Heikki entered the garage.

For a moment I literally forgot how to breathe. Sebastian had dyed the ends of his hair blond again and shaved the sides. He looked exactly like he did in his "Red Bull Bad Boy Era." While looking at him, I choked and it ended in a coughing fit. At least I hadn't spit Red Bull across the garage.

Shit. That haircut looked so good on him.

Matthias patted me on the back laughing, "You okay?", I nodded.

"Just choked," I muttered, turning to face him.

My heart was racing. This was definitely the Sebastian I had had such a crush on back then. But I was sure that as his teammate, I wouldn't be raving about it. Because I remembered all too well how arrogant he had been when he had had that hairstyle. Well well, to me he had basically been nothing but arrogant. The hair could make anything worse now.

Except maybe that I found him even more attractive now than I already did.

Stupid asshole.

I looked in his direction again and he immediately returned my gaze.

Had he been looking at me?

A self-satisfied grin brushed his lips. How I would have loved to smack that off his face. That smugness. That arrogance.

He knew what he was doing here and he enjoyed playing with me. I hated him for it.

The grin widened even more, he ran his tongue over his lips. There was no room in my head for any thoughts right now. Except for the fact that I wanted to give him a silly squeeze with the Greek sun, but I couldn't think of the right words.

It had certainly been little more than a moment we had been looking at each other when a "Hey honey.", snapped me out of my thoughts.

I literally flew on the spot.

"Phil?", a relieved laugh escaped me.

I was with him in a few steps and rushed into his arms. Without hesitation, I kissed him and felt so happy for a moment. He wrapped his arms around my back and lifted me up.

God I really loved him.

My heart was beating fast as I released the kiss and looked at him "I thought you couldn't make it.", I laughed in surprise.

"Max made sure I would make it." he smirked and pressed another kiss to my lips.

I sank into the warmth of the kiss as he pulled me even closer against him "I missed you so much.", I whispered.

He smiled and stroked my hair before setting me back on the floor.

"Hey Phil, hey Luisa, ready for the driver's parade?", Max came over to us and chimed in with Phil for a second before looking at me.

"Like you have to go already?", Phil was visibly disappointed.
„Sorry. But after the race, I'll have all the time in the world, I promise," I wanted the look back that he had just looked at me with.

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