New Teacher ❀

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[Listen, I am sending you to do this job because I trust you enough for that. I swear to God, if you betray me...] The dark silhouette of a man spat at the foreign lady before him.

[Don't you worry... I am a woman with my words] The lady said, sipping rice wine.

[But,] The man started darkly.

[Strike when the time comes. I don't want you to lose your head, Kitsune.] He finished, throwing a dirty look at the woman.

[Don't worry, I will never lose my head. Now, all I need to do is polish my Korean.]


[Mr. Yoko, is the couple still waiting for me outside?]

[Yes, My Lord.] Replied Mr. Yoko.

[Very well then, Kitsune. Hope to see you around next time.]

He got up from his seat and made his way outside the gloomy inn.

A couple was waiting for him outside. As soon as he stepped out, the woman's face lit up.

"Here you are, My Lord! How did the planning go?" the woman asked.

"Everything is settled and now we just need to strike when the moment arrives. Tell me one thing, are you really on my side?" the man asked.

"I am on your side, My Lord. Why, am I not trustworthy?" the woman raised a question.

"You are... but you can't trust people simply by their flattering these days. And you fall into that category," the man said darkly.

"Anyways, how do you plan on doing it?" the woman asked, a wicked smile across her face.

"I have heard they have a new member in their family. Have you seen her?" the man turned to the woman with a wild smile on his face.

"Why, yes! It's the Crown Princess, Jung Mae-In. She is from the Jung noble family. She has an ignorant attitude... Very boyish and she is not at all fit to be a Royal. Such a disgraceful brat!" The woman expressed her pure disgust for the Crown Princess.

"We have to root out all the unwanted weeds first..." the man whispered darkly. "I have another plan for you to act if this one doesn't work," the man said thoughtfully.

"I'm in all ears!" the woman said and mouthed at her husband who had been standing there, silently agreeing on everything they said, to go away.



Four days later

"So you are telling me that I will start the classes today?" Mae-In asked Court Lady Jin-Hee, who just gave her the information.

"Yes, Your Highness. But to be more precise, you will meet your teacher today. She will take you to a play she arranged for you in the pavilion. All you have to do is cope with her. She is very strict," answered Court Lady Jin-Hee.

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