Honey moon

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12 hour flight is not the best thing ever. You flight flew off at 9:05 and you arrive at Paris at 16:15. Doesn't make sense right? But that is because of the two time diffence. Its the 16:15 the 25th here in Paris but its 00:15 the 26th in Korea. After shouting and getting mad at Yoongi, you finally get off your private jet. Why were you mad and shouting at Yoongi? Because you are craving ice-cream.

Arriving in your suit, the first thing Yoongi does is order ice-cream to calm you down. "Y/N, here is your ice cream."

"Thank you Suga." You thank him as you begin eating your ice-cream. With this, you just know that in the morning you'll be vomiting. Morning sickness is the worst.

"Are you going to sleep after this?" Yoongi asks you as he pours himself water from the tap.

"No. I want to sleep atleast at 8. Oversleeping make me tired, i wake up with a bad back just like yesterday at our wedding." You explain, eating up your ice-cream.

"What?" Yoongi puts down his glass of water. "You back was painful?"

"Yep." You nod.

"Why didn't you say anything? We would have left earlier than we did." Yoongi takes a seat in front of you and as always, he's looking at you in concern.

"Cause we can't do the same thing twice. We cut the after party short for the first wedding and there was no way we can do that on day 2." You explain.

Giving up, Yoongi gets up and drank his water, feeling defeated by you. You hate Yoongi's actions. You feel like it was better when he hated you than now. Now he smiles at you more often. He laughs with you. And above all, he cares about you.

Done with your ice-cream, you make yourself comfortable on the sofa. Yoongi left 5 minutes ago to go exercise. You wanted to join him but you are way too tired for that.

You discovered something, there's only one room here meaning you and Yoongi should share a bed. You really don't want to do that but then you have no choice. You don't want to sleep on the sofa and you know that Yoongi wont agree.

Time skip, it's 7:30pm and now you can't control your sleep. Yoongi told you he's going to sleep 30 minutes ago and now you are going to join him. Entering the room, you find Yoongi still awake, busy on his phone. "Who are you texting at this time? It's probably about 3:30 in the morning in Korea."

"Kayla." He replies and you just roll your eye, opening your suitcase.

Now you regret opening it as you see the surprise of your life. Its a wrapped gift and a note on top. "Have fun? From mom?" You read it outloud catching the attention of Yoongi. "I don't remember packing this. But then i don't have time for this, i just want my pyjamas."

"I'll open it." He switched off his phone and reaches out for your gift while you look for you pyjamas.

As you keep looking, even taking out all your clothes, you can't seem to find your pyjamas. "Where are my pyjamas? I need to sleep."

"I think i found them."

"You found them? Whe...." That's when you see it. A silk red dress lingerie in Yoongi's arms. You can't believe it. "WTF mom?!" You shout, pissed at what your mom did. You were confused on why she decided to come to your apartment yesterday and now it makes sense.

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