Losing interest / Relizations

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You noticed how distant Jenn has gotten, she wouldn't even hang out with you anymore and when you tried to kiss or live on her she would avoid it. Come to find out she has another girl she been talkin to.

You were hurt more at the fact that she's lying and still using you more than the fact than her cheating, you just wished she I would told you so you could leave and not waste your time.

Unfortunately it's not the first time you've played this game with her, and you always seem to play the right cards but she always manages to mess up your hand of cards every time. So while Jenn was so called on a 'business trip' you left her a note and packed your things

What the note said:

"Jenn..I'm sorry I wasn't enough for you but ion wanna be in a relationship- or what ever you wanna call us?- this? What ever it is, I'm done with it. I've known for the longest you were cheating but I didn't say anything because I wanted you to tell me yourself. But clearly your incapable of doing so. Goodbye."

And you ended it there and you put it on her bed, and you packed your things while taking down all the photos of you and her.

And you left to go to your own apartment, it was basically just a place with bearly any furniture because you were never there you decided since you had about 10 days until Jenn came back you would decorate and make your home a home.

Day 1

The kitchen and living room before

The kitchen and living room before

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Jenn Carter Imagines/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now