Chapter 13 - The Truth

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Breakfast was painful. After a measly bite of food, Anah had to run upstairs to puke it back up. Giving up on eating, Anah curled up into a sphere on the seat of her chair.

Half the room seemed to be mad at her for some reason or another. Jack was barely talking to her, but she was mad at him so perhaps it was for the best. Felidy had been almost cold to her since Anah had found out about her relationship with Rendel. Kellen was still hurt from the night before, and Lina seemed disappointed like Anah had done something to personally offend her.

Her only friends in the room were Rendel and Kendelyn and a sweet Tina who was excited at the challenge of feeding so many people on so little, having forgotten all about the trauma of the night before.

Plus there was the added discomfort of the pain on the side of Anah's face.

All in all, breakfast was painful.

Afterwards, Lina pulled Anah aside and put a glowing blue hand on the bruises on Anah's face. "I'm not the best at the healing arts," she explained as Anah's bruises faded slowly. "But I hate seeing you so hurt."

"I'm sorry." Anah knew she'd be saying that a lot in the next couple hours. She had a lot to apologize for. "I didn't mean to cause trouble."

He eyes held some understanding. "I know. I'm more upset with Rendel. He's supposed to be looking after you, not trying to get into your pants."

Blood rose to her face at the thought, but Lina shook her head at it. "Don't act so innocent. I saw you with him."

She saw? Lina saw them...oh god no. "Did you tell anyone?" There was a sense of panic rising up in her chest, slipping into her words.

"Kellen and Jack. If you didn't want anyone to know, you shouldn't have done it in an open bar."

Her heart fell and shattered on the floor. Jack knew. He'd never believe her again when she said she didn't like Rendel. At his wedding with Fe, she'd be the bitter one, sitting in the back row with her cats as dates.

After her horrible conversation with Lina, Anah sought out Kellen's company on the front porch. "Jack told me you're scared of the ocean," he said as she sat down, keeping the deadly, crashing waves at the corner of her vision.

"Only a little," the ocean winds whipped at her hair as she curled her legs under her. "I'm sorry,"

At the same time Kellen turned to her. "Anah, I'm sorry."

She giggled, laying her head on his shoulder. "No, I am. You're not a bad brother. I know you wanted to stay, and I understand why you couldn't. I'm sorry I was bad."

He put his arm around her. "No, I've done the same thing. We haven't had the best life, but I hope now that we're together, it can start improving."

"Me too."

"I love you."

She was silent.

"One day I'll get you to say that back to me," he teased.

Anah shook her head against his arm. "I've never said it to anyone."

His gazed burned against her head, but she wouldn't look at him. "Never?" he asked.

"Not that I can remember." The sun reflected off the sand, burning against her skin. Kellen's hold on her seemed to tighten.

"Maybe I'll be the first person you say it to...or maybe it'll be Rendel."

Anah shrugged him off and stood up quickly. "Ew. Never." She walked back inside, slamming the door behind her. Adding that to the mental list of things she'd have to apologize for, she joined Jack on the couch, determined to get him to talk to her.

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