Chapter 24 - Self-Respecting Prince

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A tall, domed roof met them as they entered the throne room. The space further reminded Anah of Roman architecture. It was almost identical to the Pantheon that Anah had learned about in school but littered with stained glass and pointed arch doorways. The floor wasn't a floor at all; it was a garden of bright flowers and shorter indigo grass that received light from a small hole in the top of the dome. A little stream twisted its way around the room in a spiral pattern from the middle so that the only way to cross the room was to walk over many little bridges.

Unfortunately, the throne room was in as much a state of disrepair as the rest of the castle. The water had turned a murky brown, flowers were trampled and dying, windows were broken in areas, and the once tall and mighty throne was cracked in half and crumbling to the ground. The soot covered walls were once a far lighter shade of orange than the rest of the palace, but had been darkened by fires.

The King reflected the room. He was clearly one a handsome man. That much could be seen in his eyes: Jack's eyes. But life had stripped him of his youth and beauty, and left him a broken man.

He slumped over his ruined throne, his eyes dull and tired. Grey hair streaked with blond fell past his shoulders. His clothes were dull, ragged and stained, and his face was half covered by a patchy beard.

Seeing Jack's nerves, Anah slipped her hand into his. He'd made her feel better when she hit her breaking point. It was her turn to return the favor. Jack squeezed her hand.

"Your Highness," Rendel bowed low and Felidy did the same. Jack and Anah took from their cues.

"Sir Charles tells me this is important." The King's voice was short and impatient.

Rendel straightened back up. "Yes Sire, we've found your son." Rendel stood back and gestured to Jack who stepped forward, pulling Anah with him.

The King stood slowly, his expression changing to one of completel disbelief. "Jakoban?"

"Yes sir." Jack awkwardly half bowed again. His hand reached automatically for his comb, but he stopped himself. "I've come here to ask your help. It's about Lina-" 

The King scowled and scoffed. "Lina! And what has my troubled offspring done now?" he leaned against the arm of his throne out of some amount of fatigue.

"She's been captured by Shritaum. He's brainwashed her-"

"So she's working for Shritaum now?" His bitter laugh turned into a cough. "Why am I not surprised? And you need my help escaping from the witch?"

Anah didn't like his attitude toward her. Father's shouldn't talk about their children like that. "That's your daughter!" she accused.

His dark gaze fell upon her, and despite his illness, he straightened his chest to make himself tall, proud, and intimidating. "You will not talk to me in that manner, you useless peasant. Lina has made her choice; she is no longer my daughter. One more outburst from you, and I'll have you hanged for you insubordination."

Jack gripped her hand even tighter, and pulled her right behind him so that he was standing between the two. Despite his clear anger, Jack made another appeal to the King and his fatherly side. "Sire, please. We're going to try to get her back, and we could use your assistance."

"Absolutely not! She chose to work for that monster, and I will not waste valuable resources on a doomed adventure. Nor will I risk you. You will stay here at the palace." The King cut Jack off when he tried to protest. "Under lock and key if need be!"

Jack's second protest attempt was cut short by an earth-shaking explosion and horrified screams. A second explosion hit the back of the throne room and broke a hole in the wall.

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