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English is not my first language, ignore errors and mistakes.....



" Boss - boss Jang " An employee come to Jang

" Do it Tomorrow or else you will be dead in his place " Jang spoke up.

" Okay boss I'll " Man says and lower his head to give respect to Jang. And left the room.

" Dear Vegas, You just wait I'll give you a surprise and i am sure you will be surprised for real" Jang says to himself and smoke



WE finally get home after today's event I tell pete to take rest while take a bath and eat dinner with my brother and lover . I sat on my office ,today it was so bad, my date just ruin already but what I am more shock is, Jang - Jang is back already I am sure he is the one who did it. I can't just let this things go slid. I need to make security tight. I will tell macao to take extra bodyguard with him. I will never let him do anything harm to my family. He probably still thinks that i am the killer .
I can't help but what can i do now to him.

"Nop, Jang is back ' I spoke to Nop

" Boss, boss Jang is back "

" Yea today we get attack in the mall and i m sure it's Jang who did it. " I spoke

" Boss, tell me what to do next " Nop says

I ask him to make the security tight add more and more bodyguard at mansion. And for macao , pete and me. I know Jang was still waiting for this moment for a long time.

He agree and do the security tight in under an hour . This guy is smart. He tells me about the situation .

I left the office and go to my room where I see my lover who was not sleeping but thinking so deeply, he probably thinking what happened today I need to tell him or else things would be messed. Since I don't want to hide anything from pete. And ik he is mature enough to understand these situations.

I walk to my lovers who was deeply in thought he don't even notice me i hug him from back and he finally realise that i was arrive.

" Cute " I says

" Vegas , tell me what happen today why does he want to kill us, is he someone from your old enemy... " Pete freakout and say in one breath

" Calm down pete, I need to tell you something to. " I say and cupped pete face in my palms
He nodded and i tell him the old story which I was forget for a while. But then someone showed up and all..

" Jang - Vegas why don't you tell him huh " Pete says as if I never did to

" I did Pete , he already thought of me as the killer, I can't help. But if he try to harm Macao and you I wont mind to be killer for another time. " I says to Pete while I can see him Trimble on my words

" Vegas, don't you think you should go to court. I'll make you win " Pete says but little he knows what he is saying

' I am a Mafia Pete , we don't rely on laws, we gotta solve this on our own" I reply him

"Ding "
( a message come up)


" What the fuck " Pete says and look at me

" Yeah but stay away from these dirty things Pete " I tell him cuz I care for him " I have already book lots of bodyguard for you so for sometime don't go outside or if you go take them all with you Pete and dont forget to text me first so I can go with you to "

" Okk Vegas, but is it that serious - " He says and i nodded... " Is everything gonna happen fine " Pete spoke

" Yes I'll make sure don't you worry " I give him a hug and say... We go to bed and sleep.....


Next morning I woke up late and Pete was still sleeping. I woke him up to get up, he ask for more 5 minutes, he probably still tired ik he overthink till late so I let him sleep and go for wash up. When I come back to room I found Pete was awake n smile at me..

" Morning " I says

" Morning " He says back " I'll go wash up first veggie you go and eat first" . Pete says and pick my phone and left the room for dinning table .
I go to the kitchen to find Macao but he wasn't thier, I check the dinning area but he ain't there, I check his room but he wasn't, I call him but the phone was turned off, I get anxious and call the bodyguard..

" Boss Vegas " The most near bodyguard come to me and ask

" Where is Macao? Why ain't he at home, or why his phone is switched off.... " I shout at the bodyguard

" He was not back from the morning walk, probably he was stay for something in way.. " He says

"Morning walk, who is goes with him.... " I ask

" He goes by himself I tell him to go with me but he says, he don't want his peace to get disturbed, but I says it's my order but then he says he will kill me if I don't listen to him.... " He says

" Damn, Macao why so like this... " I threw items which were on table

" Vegas, Vegas what happened " Pete come from the upstairs and ask I don't know when but I was so angree and called Nop.

" You fucking Nop, where the heck are you "

" Yes boss" nop says and I threw the bottle at him.

" Where were you huh didn't I tell you to make the security up for Macao how the heck are you sleeping so restlessly........ Find my BROTHER ryt now. "

" Boss Macao , yes boss " He says I was so angry and worried at the same time... But then I found myself in someone's arms.... And that's when I broke.. My tears fell down.

" It's okay Vegas, we gonna find Macao " Pete says as he hug me

" Yeah. But you don't know Jang. He is psychopath" I says as I hug him back....

It's been four fucking hour but there is no clue of Macao and this nop is also not back. I loaded my gun with my two other guns. I had to go to nop, I want his location. I open my laptop and do hacking to my brother's smart watch. I know it will still be with him or maybe we can get some clues of Macao.

( a notifications come to my phone from the same no.)

Stranger : XXXX (location) come to this place of you want your brother.

When I see the message I call up the person but the phone was already turned off. I try fir 19 times but still it was off...

" Vegas. Look.... " Pete says and I look at the laptop. Which already hacked Macao's watch but the thing was. The place was different place from the stranger that send me.

" What the real heck.... " Pete and I say at the same time


Thanks for reading this. I'll be ending this story in few chapter



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