🔞 Tissues X Record - Broken Record

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Another Tissues chapter yey!! This time, Tissues and Record become much... much closer. This is kind of a continuation of the last chapter but not really. Basically, this chapter, Tissues and Record fuck each other :)

Before i begin, last chapter i was referring to Tissues as Tissue Box. I didn't realise my mistake until like half way through writing and I couldn't be bothered to correct myself so yea.
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Everybody was sitting down on the floor in their assigned teams. "I'm bored..." Limey moaned "Is there really nothing else here besides a couple trees?" He continued.
"Well... kind of..." Daddy Long Legs uttered "I can still... like... get you guys a game... or something?"
Limey was displeased by this information.
"I don't want a game! I want the next challenge to start!" It was clear that Limey was growing more and more impatient as time went by.

"Well... you're gonna have to wait... sorry..." Daddy Long Legs spoke, slightly giggling at Limeys mini temper tantrum. "I don't like waiting... in fact i.." Limey was cut off by Pilly. "It's really not that big a deal... would it kill you to wait just a little bit longer?" Pilly argued, wanting Limey to shut up for once. And it worked. Limey sat down, unsatisfied, knowing that they had been beaten.
"Darn... fooled again by that blasted medication!" Limey whispered to himself, making sure that absolutely nobody could hear him.

Meanwhile, with Tissues and Record, Record is sitting by themselves... not looking too happy.
Record let out a small sigh as she saw Tissues approaching. "Hello Record" Tissues said, waving.
"Hello Tissues..." Record replied. There was a silence between the two, as Tissues began to stare off into space. "Did you... want... something?" Record spoke, snapping Tissues out of his trance. "Oh yeah... umm... do you want to play a game?" Tissues asked.

"Ummm..." before Record was even given the chance to say anything, Tissues immediately started listing off various games that they could play. "We can play truth or dare, we can play toss the brick, we can.."
Tissues was cut off by Record. "No... Tissues... I don't want to play any games... i think i just wanna be left alone for a while... I'm not feeling up to it today... I'm sorry." Record walked off, leaving Tissues standing with a brick in his hand [Poor Tissues just wanted to play toss the brick]

"Hmmm... that's strange" Tissues said to himself "I've never seen Record this sad before"
Tissues started to think about what he could do to cheer up Record and also what's making her sad in the first place. Tissues continued to think until... "Oh! I know!" Tissues threw the brick he was holding into the air, it no longer meant anything to him.

10 minutes later...

Record was sat beside one of the three apple trees when Tissues came walking over. "Tissues, i thought i told you that i wasn't feeling up to it!" Record yelled, not too loud but not too quiet. You could certainly tell, she was a bit pissed off that Tissues had completely ignored what she had said earlier.
"I know... but... i wanted to see what was wrong... you seemed sad... and... uhh..." Tissues had already forgotten what he was going to say as he sat down next to Record. "I wanted to see if i could help... maybe?" Tissues finished.

"Tissues, i'm fine... can you go please?" Record gestured towards the rest of the contestants who are all still sitting and chatting. "Was it because of all the people? The new... orange place... Was it scary?" Tissues was trying to understand her. Tissues was trying to make her feel better and it... sort of helped. "I guess... but it's not really the people... it's more of... where the hell we even are." Tissues was listening carefully, trying to piece together everything Record had just said. "I don't know... i guess i just need some cheering up... I'll go see if Daddy Long Legs can get me anything..." Record announced as she got up, about to make her way towards Daddy Long Legs.

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