new friends

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"Oh my UGH!" I yell looking in the mirror. "Aurora, you look fine now can we go, dinners in 10 minutes." I turn to Danny. "Russo. Tell me I look beautiful."

He stops from walking to the door and turns around. "You look more than beautiful." I'm in a black turtle neck and leggings but I feel like something's missing.

I look down at my hands. No ring. I decided to stop wearing my ring today. That's what's missing.

When we get outside the restaurant I see Emma and Matteo. "Oh Aurora, can you take some pictures of me and Matteo?" She asks. I happily take her phone and tell them to pose.

In the first picture he looks away and she kisses his neck he turns fast and kisses her and they both laugh. That's all I can take right now. "Aurora these are so cute thank you!" I smile and grab Danny's hand pulling him into the restaurant.

I get wine and pasta and so does everyone else. As soon as the wines in me there's nothing more I want than Danny. My arm wraps around his as him and Matteo talk about how their families are doing, he  has just now realized he knows him. Matteo is so slow.

Danny's head turns and gives me a little kiss. "Are you okay bello?" He whispers to me. I nod and continue to rest my head on his shoulder. "I need an outfit change before the pub." Emma says. I also do. We're going to a pub for the boys to play pool and than a club for the girls to dance. Win win night.

I go to the car with Emma while the boys drive to the pub in my car. "You look so pretty Emma." She smiles at me. "Honestly, I have a question?" I take my turtle neck off and throw on a tank top. "What's up?"

"How did you lose all of your baby weight that fast after having the twins." I chuckle. "Genetics. It probably won't happen if I ever have another kid. It happened to my mom, my grandmother, her grandmother. But as soon as you have your second you don't bounce back. So I'm never having anymore." we laugh with each other the whole ride there and I'm starting to notice why Matteo likes her.

"Come on the boys are probably worried." We make way into the pub pushing past everyone. They're in the middle of a game when we sit down on the end our boyfriends are playing at. Danny quickly comes up to me and gives me a little kiss before going back to the game. I can see Matteo get angry but I'm choosing to ignore that.

Emma comes and sits by me. "Aurora," She starts. I put my drink down and face her, "Do you think we could ever be friends?" I'm confused and she can probably tell. "Emma, I," I look over and see her face go down. "Yes, I do believe we are friends." Emma is such a good soul who got swept up by this horrible person.

"Thank you Aurora. Thank you so much." She hugs me. For a very long time. "I got us matching outfits for the club tonight."


I just got out of the shower and put on the matching outfit Emma got us. It's cute, and makes my butt look extremely big. I got outside of the hotel with Danny who can't seem to take his hands off of me. "Take a picture Russo." He takes my phone and takes one singular photo. "Ugh, you're fired." He pouts before handing me my phone. I send it to Emma.

Matteos Assistant: You look HOT. We're almost down you can just go to the club.

2 Hours later:

"EMMA I THINK WE'RE DRUNK!!" I yell to her as we watch the Eiffel tower. Our boyfriends behind us. My mind is fuzzy but i'm loving tonight. Looking over the tower with my buddies.

"You are, my love." Danny's hands slide onto my waist. I get all tingly on my insides. I turn and face him, "Do you think you can love me?" I ask him.

Suddenly feeling like it's an important question. "Do you think you'll remember this in the morning?" He asks me. "If i'm being honest, I think my doctor would be disappointed in how drunk I am right now." He smiles, moving hair out of my face.

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