4. Trouble with Another Ryuki, OOO and Drive!/ Tohorangers & Decade Arrival

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No Pov.

=======>Union Streets<========

Gorosaurus, Takeshi and Ryuko Matoi (Ryo's Teammate) are walking through the streets and there are no single civilians.

Gorosaurus, Takeshi and Ryuko Matoi (Ryo's Teammate) are walking through the streets and there are no single civilians

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Gorosaurus: Man, no civilians

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Gorosaurus: Man, no civilians. 

Takeshi: Where is everyone, it's like a ghost town here.

Ryuko: I don't know guys, we better stick together into this mission.

Gorosaurus: Just before that, Ms. Matoi.

Ryuko: Yeah.

Gorosaurus: I invented this for you, so you can transform together with Senketsu. 

He gave her a Driver, and she put it on her waist and turned back at him.

Ryuko: So, now what?

???: You'll die!

They turned their direction in front of them and it was Another Ryuki, OOO and Drive.

They turned their direction in front of them and it was Another Ryuki, OOO and Drive

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