|| The Wanderer - Part 2 ||

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(This part hasn't been fully edited).


When you had returned to the campsite, he was gone.

You looked around the area for any trace of him. The river? Somewhere within the trees? Nothing. No sign of him anywhere— you weren't sure how to feel. Maybe you were wrong? Maybe he had just been a normal wanderer. For such a unique looking person, it was strange how he had just disappeared.

You had returned to Sumeru city, and looked around at all the fruit vendors in the Bazaar. Still, no trace of the mysterious figure. You tried to ask around, but the only vendor who had any idea of him had no direction to lead you in. You gave up trying there, and decided that you would wait until the day he showed up again. What else could you do?

You knew you would see him again. You needed the answers.


You look out onto the landscape of Sumeru, notes in your hand as you wait by the Akedemiya. From here, you can see the expanse of the fields surrounding the city, and the thriving forests beyond. The breeze is soft. The sun is out. All of this to distract you, and you're still wondering about where the Wanderer may be now.

"Ah, you're back," a voice behind you asks. "Do you have the notes?"

You turn to the Akedemiya student, offering them a tight smile. "Yes, here."

You extend your hand and she takes the notes, quickly scanning what it says. "Thank you, this is perfect. Now, I have your payment somewhere..."

"Oh... no need," you start, an idea forming in your head. "Do you mind if I just ask you something instead?"

She tilts her head slightly. "Depends if I know the answer."

"Um, what do you know about the Balladeer?" you ask.

She narrows her eyes, and for a moment she's silent. "Who?"

That's a surprise. "The Harbinger, for the Fatui."

"I've... never heard of this. Is this a trick?" she asks, frowning.

She really doesn't know?

"Something I do know about the Fatui, is that the sixth spot of the Harbingers hasn't been given to anyone for hundreds of years. Is that what you mean?" she offers.

You freeze. "What?"

"Do you just want your payment? I really don't have all day," she grumbles.

You manage to nod, and your hands are still stuck in place as she fishes the payment out from her satchel, handing it over to you. The student leaves, and you stare down at the payment in your hands.

The sixth spot of the Harbingers hasn't been given to anyone for hundreds of years.

That's impossible. Then again, why would she lie? You look around, considering asking someone else. You notice and pair of students and walk up them as they chat by the edge of the platform.

"Hi, do you know anything about the Fatui?" you ask bluntly.

"Oh—? Maybe?" he says, darting back and forth between you and his friend.

"How many Fatui Harbingers are there?" you ask.

"Well... there are eleven spots, but only ten of them are filled," he explains. "Well, that's what we know. The Fatui are a very mysterious group."

You can't deny it anymore.

You stumble through the words. "Thank you... have a nice day."

You walk away before you can hear his reply, and start walking down from the Aledemiya's steps, not sure of where your destination is. A part of you wonders if the Balladeer really did exist. If he didn't, how else would you know who he was? You couldn't make him up.

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