Chapter 1. Kiriko

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Kiriko was on a maglev rail train heading into a mountain range with Bolin, Kuvira, Baatar Jr, Varrick, and Zhu Li.

Kiriko: We just got some good news. Two more Earth Kingdom states have agreed to join us.

Baatar Jr: Excellent! We're 90% there, Kuvira.

Varrick: That's great! Zhu Li, dish out some of that special celebration tea.

Zhu Li walked over and offered everyone else tea. Varrick, Bolin, and Baatar Jr all took a cup.

Kiriko: I'm fine, I'm not thirsty right now.

Kuvira: None for me. I won't celebrate until the Earth Kingdom is 100% reunited.

The train ungracefully halts.

Kuvira: Why have we stopped?

The pilot rushed over to them from the front of the train.

Unnamed pilot: Apologies, there are rocks on the tracks. It's most likely bandits. We're sending troops to handle the situation.

Kuvira: Call them off. I will take care of the bandits myself.

Kuvira left the train, and the others sat in silence.

Bolin tapped his foot on the ground.

Varrick drank more tea, and sent Zhu Li to get more when it was finished.

Baatar Jr paced back and forth.

Kiriko: I want to fight the bandits. How come we have to stay here?

Bolin: I don't think that's a good idea. Kuvira likes doing everything herself.

Kiriko: Well of course I know that. She's the embodiment of "if you want something done properly, you're going to have to do it yourself". Which is true.

Bolin: So it was a rhetorical question?

Kiriko: Yeah.

Soon enough, Kuvira returned and the train continued on its course.

Bolin: Did you catch the bandits?

Kuvira: Of course I did.

Bolin: What did you do with them?

Kuvira: I gave them the opportunity to rehabilitate themselves and become productive members of their nation instead of continuing a life of crime, and they took it.

Kiriko: I'm not surprised. Criminals like them couldn't ask for a better offer.

The train arrived at a small earth kingdom town, and Kiriko got off the train with the others.

Kai was there too.

And Opal, who Kiriko hated. Just the sight of Opal infuriated Kiriko heavily.

Bolin picked Kai up.

Bolin: Wow, you are a lot heavier than you used to be, you're really growing up.

Kai: What's up with your new hair? You look like a stiff.

Bolin: Hey, Kuvira says it makes me look intelligent and professional.

Kai laughed and ruffled Bolin's hair back to its original style. Bolin turned to Opal.

Bolin: Opal, I can't believe you're here too.

Opal: I missed you so much.

Bolin: I missed you, too.

Kiriko (thinking): What on earth does Bolin see in her? She's nothing more than a stuck up, selfish, spoiled brat.

Baatar Jr: Look who it is. How's Mom doing?

Opal: She still hasn't forgiven you.

Baatar Jr: You know, for someone who claims to be so enlightened, Mom can really hold a grudge.

Opal: I guess when her son betrays her...

Kiriko: BETRAYS-!?

Kuvira steps inbetween them.

Kuvira: We're not here to bicker with you about something that happened three years ago. We're here to help this town.

Opal: I've heard how you help towns... by conquering them.

Kiriko: Opal, shut up. Just shut up. You don't know anything about what we're doing. While you've been sitting up at your air temple doing nothing, we've been rebuilding the earth kingdom from the chaos it was in when the earth queen was killed. What have YOU done to help the earth kingdom in the past THREE YEARS!? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Kuvira: Exactly. We're giving everyone in this nation a better future.

The governor of the town walked up to them.

Unnamed governor: What are you doing here?

Kuvira brought the governor into the train and Kiriko, Baatar Jr, and Bolin followed.

Kuvira: Have you had time to rethink my generous offer?

Unnamed governor: Generous?

Kuvira: Governor, your state has been overrun by bandits. They have you outnumbered and out-supplied. The question's not if they'll take over, it's when. Unless you sign our deal. Agree to our terms and you'll have the full force of my army backing you. You will remain in charge, just under my supervision. I will save your life, and the lives of your citizens. I think that's pretty generous.

Governor: I know how you manipulate states and force them to join up under you. I'll never turn the great State of Yi over to you.

Kuvira: You have a lot of pride, but it cannot protect your people. Your pride will not stop the hordes as your city crumbles to the ground, and your pride certainly will not feed your hungry when all that is left is rubble.

Unnamed governor: Leave! Get out of my state.

Kuvira: You will perish, unless you take my generous offer.

Kuvira handed him a contract.

Kuvira: Here's the contract, we'll wait at the border for one day. You sign it, and you'll have all the help you need.

The governor left and Kuvira turned to everyone else.

Kuvira: It's time to go, we're not wanted here.

The train started and they went back the way they came.

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