Chapter 17. Kiriko

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The next day, Kiriko and Katsuo were standing with Kuvira and Baatar Jr on the machine. The earth empire troops were gathered in front of them. Their target was an empty town a few miles away.

Kuvira: Congratulations on all of your hard work. This weapon is proof that the earth empire is the strongest nation in the world. And believe me, this is only the beginning!

Kuvira turned to Baatar Jr.

Kuvira: Fire the weapon.

Baatar Jr was about to fire it when Kiriko and Katsuo felt the intruders arrive again.

Kiriko: There are intruders! They're back!

Katsuo: They're heading for the prison. We need to get there now.

Baatar Jr: Should we postpone the test?

Kuvira: I didn't come all this way to stop now. Fire when ready.

Baatar Jr pulled the lever and the cannon worked, shooting a purple beam at the empty, abandoned, town, while Kiriko and Katsuo headed to the prison to catch the intruders.

They went down the elevator and opened the doors. They saw Toph, Lin, and Bolin trying to free the metal clan.

Kiriko: I'll handle the metal clan, you handle Toph, Bolin, and Lin.

Katsuo: Got it.

One by one, Kiriko shot metal clamps at the wrists and ankles of each member of the metal clan, Suyin, Wing, Wei, Opal, Baatar Sr, and Huan.

Then she slammed them into the wall above the abyss that surrounded their prison, ready to drop them.

Katsuo, however, was losing to Toph in terms of earthbending. But Katsuo was able to identify her weakness.

Katsuo caught Toph off guard with two pieces of earth that she bent around Toph's wrists, lifting her into the air.

Toph: What's going on? I can't see anything!

Katsuo: You can't see if you're not touching the ground, right?

Katsuo earthbent Toph all the way to the suspended prison where the metal clan had been held, and dropped her in the prison.

Toph: Where am I? Where did you put me? Why can't I see anything?

Kiriko: You're in the suspended prison. Your seismic sense won't work if you're not touching the ground. So therefore, you're completely blind now.

Toph: You're clever, I'll give you that. You're the second earthbender I've ever fought that used my strength against me.

Bolin lavabent a wave of lava at Kiriko and Katsuo.

Kiriko stopped it with her lavabending, and cooled it back into earth.

A look of amazement but also shock and fear crossed Bolin's face.

Bolin: You're a lavabender too!?

Kiriko: Hell yeah.

Kiriko shot metal clamps at Bolin and Lin that grabbed them by the wrists and dropped them in the suspended prison with Toph.

Huan: Hey! Are you gonna let us out of here? It's kind of uncomfortable, hanging over an abyss like this!

Baatar Sr: Don't remind me! I'm severely afraid of heights!

A shadow fell over Kiriko's face. She had never felt more angry than right at that moment. Katsuo could clearly feel Kiriko's rage, because she stepped backwards.

Kiriko: SILENCE! You don't know anything about what we're doing. While you've been sitting up at your city doing nothing, we've been rebuilding the earth kingdom from the chaos it was in when the earth queen was killed. What have YOU done to help the earth kingdom in the past THREE YEARS!? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Kiriko removed the metal clamps from their feet and threw them away, leaving them dangling solely by the clamps on their wrists.

Kiriko: We're turning around the earth kingdom like you wouldn't believe. We've completely rebuilt the earth kingdom into the united earth empire, and we're really making a great change in the world. We are so close to uniting the empire, but you've tried to stop us!

Kiriko removed the metal clamps from one of each of their hands, leaving them all dangling by only one clamp on one hand.

Kiriko: Then you tried a sneak attack, ignoring the terms of our temporary truce! You were afraid to step up and help establish order in the earth kingdom when you had the chance, you were afraid to join Kuvira when she became the leader, and you were afraid of a fair fight. That was a new low, even for you! You're just bitter that we saved many lives rebuilding the empire while you cowardly holed up in zaofu, hoarding all your riches and technology! You're a bunch of deceitful, hypocritical, cowards. I've had enough of your attitude! I'm surprised Kuvira didn't kill you, considering you most certainly deserve to die. I won't allow you to cause any more harm!

Kiriko removed the remaining clamps from the hands of the metal clan, allowing them to tumble into the abyss. Suyin, Wing, Wei, Huan, Baatar Sr, and Opal were killed.

Lin and Bolin simultaneously: NO!

Toph: What!? What happened!?

Bolin burst into tears.

Lin: That girl just killed them!

Kiriko: Shut up unless you want to be next.

Kiriko roughly grabbed Katsuo by the arm.

Kiriko: Come on Katsuo, let's go.

Kiriko and Katsuo left and went back up through the elevator.

The shadow disappeared from Kiriko's face, and she went back to her usual self, as she took some deep breaths and they exited the elevator back into the factory.

Katsuo: Wow. Kiriko. I've never seen you get like that before.

Kiriko: That was all the rage bottled up that I've had toward them my whole life.

Katsuo: I wonder what Kuvira's going to say.

Kiriko: Well, it's not like we can be promoted any higher than where we already are. We're her second in command.

Katsuo: You think she'd promote us if she could?

Kiriko: Have you seen the wanted posters of Varrick, Bolin, and Zhu Li? I captured one of the earth empire's most wanted traitors.

Katsuo: I guess you're right.

They went back to Kuvira and Baatar Jr, who were still in front of the weapon. The test had been a success and the soldiers were cheering enthusiastically.

Later that day, in the factory, Kiriko and Katsuo told Kuvira and Baatar Jr what had transpired.

Kuvira: I don't appreciate you killing my prisoners without permission, but you did capture one of the earth empire's most wanted traitors. I am therefore not sure how to feel about this information.

Kiriko decided to change the subject.

Kiriko: Since the weapon was a success, what's next?

Kuvira: They blocked the railways, so we'll attach the spirit energy cannon to our other secret weapon.

Katsuo: You mean the giant mecha suit?

Kuvira: Indeed. We'll take back republic city in one week.

Baatar Jr: One week? I thought the plan was two weeks.

Kuvira: Seeing as how Varrick, Bolin, and Zhu Li escaped, they probably told everyone. We need to give them enough time to evacuate republic city, but not enough to fully prepare for our arrival.

Kiriko: Then let's do this.

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