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Once we are cleaned up and clothed, I put on my coat and scarf. I look over at John as he puts on his coat. He has no idea there are hickies visible on his neck. There might be some that are poking through my scarf. God the people will talk after this. I suppose I don't care but John might. We walk out the door and John grabs my hand as we walk to the crime scene. When he does this I get the urge to kiss him. So I decided that I will.


Sherlock suddenly stops dead in his tracks. I worry that he might not want me to hold his hand in public and that I was moving too fast. Maybe he doesn't even want a relationship, maybe he was just horny this morning. The thought hits me like a bus. What if this was just an experiment and he already got his information and he was going to brush it off and we will never do that again?

"Sherlock? Are you–" I was stopped abruptly by the man in question's lips smashing against mine. I stood there numb for a half second before I kissed him back. Full-on kissing. A man. William Sherlock Scott Holmes. I am not drunk. I have not been bribed. I just want to kiss him. A few years ago I would have never thought that I would kiss a man. Or have sex with one for that matter. But still, I, John Hamish Watson, am kissing William Sherlock Scott Holmes, who happens to be a man and the sexiest person I know. And I am fine with that, more than fine with it. I am elated about it.

When we break apart. I look into his eyes and the only emotion that is in them is love. Pure and unfiltered love. I smile and kiss him on the cheek. There is only one thing running through my mind right now: I love Sherlock. I love him more than anything in the world.

"I– John... I have something to tell you. You don't have to say anything or respond but I just need to get this off my chest.'' Sherlock is speaking at a rapid rate. He is nervous. "I liked kissing you and all the other things that we did. I also wished that I did it sooner. I like spending time with you and you are probably the best person in the universe. I would have never thought that I would fall in love with someone, but then I met you. I'm rambling, sorry. What I'm trying to say is that I love you, John. I love everything about you. And I want to be with you. In a romantic way. You don't have to say anything. I'm fine if you say no to me and if you just want to keep it at sex, or just forget that I said anythi–" I cut him off with a kiss. Not a passionate kiss, not a rough kiss, just a gentle kiss, to tell him how I feel. When we break apart I smile. I can't help it. I look him dead in the eyes and tell him:

"I would love to be your boyfriend. I love you Sherlock and I'm sorry I was too stupid to see that, but I love you so so much. You're also bloody good at sex, and I am glad that I got the chance to be fucked by the Sherlock Holmes." Sherlock blushes at that last part. "Oh did I make the stoic Sherlock blush?"

"Oh shut up. You have the unfair disadvantage of being hot." Now it's my turn to blush.

"We should probably get to the crime scene. I will be able to show off my brilliant boyfriend to the whole of Scotland Yard." Sherlock blushes harder at the word boyfriend and I think that is the cutest thing in the world.

When we make it to the crime scene we are greeted by a very flustered Greg. I had almost forgotten that he saw us at the shop.

"Uuh... the ah body is that way," he says. I can tell he saw us holding hands. He probably saw the hickies on Sherlock's (and my) neck and put two and two together.

Once Sherlock solved the case (and looked hella hot doing it) I got so caught up in the brilliance that I ran over to him and kissed him in front of everyone. He picked me up and spun me around like I was one of those girls in an American rom-com. I smile at him and he puts me down. I see Anderson roll his eyes in the background. And then I hear Donovan mutter Watson's dating that freak? I lose my shit.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE CALL MY BOYFRIEND THAT. YOU ARE SO STUPID! HOW COULD YOU CALL THIS BEAUTIFUL GENIUS A FREAK? He happens to be the smartest person I know, and if you are too idiotic to see that then I am sorry for your stupidity." with that I punch her in the face and then grab Sherlock and leave. 

Was that a little too on the nose? 



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