i. shower thoughts and butterflies

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—————————————chapter one: shower thoughts and butterflies( season one, episode one )[ part one, tw ]—————————————

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chapter one: shower thoughts and butterflies
( season one, episode one )
[ part one, tw ]

whichever side Abby chose is right

DAISY RANDOLPH DREADED MORNINGS, especially monday mornings, they always seemed to be the vain of her existence. She let out a loud groan as she heard her door creak open, not bothering to open her eyes to see her father standing there, "Hey, kiddo, it's time to get up." He said, his tone soft yet stern, he knew how hard it was for her to get up in the morning.

He sighed when the only reaction he got was her turning over, it was the same thing every morning, he never hated it as much as he claimed to, in fact, anytime the two spent together was always treasured by him due to how often he was preoccupied at work.

He walked further into the room, walking to her window and pulling the curtains open to let sunlight pour into the room. She opened her eyes but soon squinted and pulled a pillow on top of her head, "I'm up." She mumbled crankily.

Paul smiled, content with her response, "Breakfast in thirty, leaving in fifty." He told her as she sat up and tried to smooth down her unruly hair, he smiled at the sight, "Well good morning, sleeping beauty." He laughed lightly as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

She let out a yawn, "Morning, dad." She spoke tiredly as he ruffled her already messy hair and began to exit the room, closing the door behind him. Slowly she rose from the bed and moved over to her closet, still mostly half asleep, she pulled the sliding door open and sifted through the clothes, eventually pulling out a baby blue pleated skirt and plain white long sleeved crop top, nothing too flashy, just her usual.

She grabbed a few towels and made her way to her bathroom, she stripped away her baggy sweatpants and old over sized t-shirt that had probably belonged to her father at some point, reaching over to turn the water on to the perfect temperature. She wrapped her arms around her torso, staring at the water.

Eventually, she stepped in, the water burning her feet at first as she pulled the small plug that allowed the water to come out of the top shower head. She allowed it to spray all over her body, the small white box was her safe place, and she wouldn't trade it for anything. As she combed her fingers through her wet hair, her eyes settled on the razor on the ledge in the corner, she had done many awful things with that piece of metal.

However, this time she tried to ignore its presence as she rubbed shampoo through her blonde hair, she allowed her thoughts to drift to school, in only about an hour she would be showing two new students around the school, she was extremely excited. Daisy was one of those people that could talk to anyone without fear, she loved socialization and people tended to feel comfortable around her.

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