ii. lunchtime and dad talks

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—————————————chapter two: lunchtime and dad talks( season one, episode one )[ part two ]—————————————

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chapter two: lunchtime and dad talks
( season one, episode one )
[ part two ]

i am adorable

ORLANDO MILLER HAS NEVER LIVED IN ONE PLACE FOR MORE THAN A FEW MONTHS AT A TIME, he'd had a rough life, and for as long as he can remember, nothing has truly made him happy. Sure, he loved football, but he was never in one place long enough to even be on a team.

His mother was possibly the greatest in the world, but that didn't mean his life was easy. He and his family lived in fight or flight mode. Mostly flight, which lead to him never really having a set home. Twelve schools in his nine years of education really had a way to dampen his mood.

He wasn't sure if he would like Wellsbury, it seemed pretty stuck up in his opinion, and the moms were all passive aggressive snobs, but the school he was set to attend didn't seem at all that bad. He especially liked how nice everyone was, how nice she was.

There was just something about Daisy Randolph that gave him that sense of happiness he had always longed for. Maybe it was because the girl herself was a literal ray of sunshine that hadn't stopped smiling once since they met. Or maybe it was because she seemed like the purest form of person there could possibly be. Whatever it was, he wanted more.

"So, Daisy, she seemed nice, right?" Orlando asked as he and Ginny walked side by side in the hallway, it was time for them to go to lunch and he was just itching to talk about her.

Ginny shrugged, "She seemed annoying," She admitted, "Like 'Hi I'm Daisy, I like sunshine and ranbows'." She said in a high pitched mimicking voice, "She was definitely on something to be that happy."

Orlando frowned deeply, he thought she was sweet, maybe a little annoying, but in a good way. He knew that his sister didn't really like anybody, she was in her permanent angsty teenager era, he didn't mind, the two barely talked as is. Ginny had a habit to make everything about herself and he just couldn't stand it.

As they walked into the lunchroom they were greeted with a loud bustle of teenagers rushing every which way, their eyes raked over every inch of the cafe until Orlando's landed on a certain blonde that sat laughing with her friends, a grin on her face as she threw her head back in a fit of giggles, her hair falling all over her face and her arms gripping those of her friend's for support.

Before he could regain his thoughts he felt his arm being pulled by a girl that he had never met before, however she seemed to know Ginny. "You guys are going to love my friends, okay?" She asked as she pulled them through the cafeteria, weaving between tables and groups of students.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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