154| Brotherly Shove

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Today, Shawn, Topanga and Zoey were helping out Cory clean the garage. They all looked around the area filled with multiple boxes.

"Man, how long's it been since anyone cleaned out this garage?" Zoey wondered.

"Ugh, years." Cory answered. He paused when Topanga took a bucket from his hands. "Hey, hey, hey, hey! Where do you think you're going with that?"

"I am taking this garbage full of garbage to the garbage." Topanga replied bluntly.

"You are so cute when you try and intimidate me." Cory told his wife. "Give me the bag. It's coming home with us."

"You are incapable of throwing out anything." Topanga said.

"No, I am incapable of throwing out memories from my life." Cory corrected her. "I mean, look around you. This is my childhood here."

"Hey, Cory, do you think Morgan still wants Strawberry Shortcake?" Shawn asked as e held up the doll.

"Uh, yes. She does." Cory replied, snatching the toy away and placed her in his lap. "She's cute. She's my friend. I can't believe that you would want to throw all this out. I mean, look at this..." He set the doll aside and began to sit through the garbage bag. "This is a gold mine in here. This is my old retainer. Remember this?"

Zoey scrunched her face in disgust when Cory placed the retainer back into his mouth.

"Ugh, Cory, I hate that thing!" Topanga exclaimed.

"Ah, you didn't say that when we were eleven. Remember? Kiss me." Cory insisted as he tried to step closer to Topanga only for her to push him away. "Come on, just kiss me once."

"All I remember is trapped food particles. Peanuts, popcorn, cracker jacks. Your mouth was like a baseball game." Topanga said.

Shawn stood up and held a par of boxing gloves. "Hey, Cory, check these out."

"Oh, my gosh." Cory muttered. He walked over and grabbed them. "Eric gave those to me."

"Yeah, where is Eric?" Zoey wondered. "You know, half this stuff is his. Why isn't he helping?"

"Well, look, I promised my parents that I'd clean up this garage by the time they got home from vacation, okay? Besides, Eric would just go through all this old stuff, you know, get all mushy, and not let us throw out anything." Cory answered.

"Can't have that." Topanga muttered dryly.

"That would be bad." Shawn and Zoey added in unison.

"Besides, I'd rather do it with you guys anyway." Cory explained, ignoring their sarcastic tones.

"Discrimination!" Topanga exclaimed out of nowhere. She held up a wood sign that read 'NO GIRLS ALLOWED!' "Not fair. Not fair."

Cory smiled. "Oh, Shawn, look. Our old clubhouse sign."

"Yeah, 'NO GIRLS ALLOWED'. That lasted long." Shawn said.

Cory narrowed his eyes at Shawn. "Hey, I'm not the one who caved when Zoey tried to puppy-dog eyes."

"What can I say? I could never say no to my girl." Shawn responded defensively, placing a hand on Zoey's shoulder. He then walked further into the garage and saw a toboggan. "Hey, Cory, how come we never use this?"

"Oh, this? The belonged to me and Eric. Boy, this thing's got some memories." Cory replied as he looked down at the item.

Zoey then found a pair of swords and a crown, which she placed on her head.

"Your queen demands a duel." Zoey said as she handed the fake swords to the two boys. "Lord Hunter, Sir Complain-a-lot. The Winner shall get my hand."

Cory rolled his eyes. "En garde, doddie head!"

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