4 - In Harm's Way

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Korra was letting off some steam on Asami while I was beating the shit out of a tree because what else am I supposed to punch? The Queen? Actually that doesn't sound too bad. 

"Y/n what are you punching?"

"A tree!"


"Because I can!"

"Why is Y/n punching a tree?" I heard Mako say but I was too caught up in my tree fucker-uppery.

"Because she can. Did you find Kai?"

They continued talking and I continued punching the tree.

"Y/N THE QUEEN'S COMING!"I ran to them and saw Queen Bitch-face pull up in her palanquin.

"Good, you're here, Gun tell her the news."

"We've received word from the Yang Province. There have been reports of airbenders there"

"Wonderful, isn't it? It's the very thing you've been looking for."

The queen started sneezing and started yelling at Gun. Asami bought us a day by telling the Queen our ship needed repairs. We went back to our quarters.

"I can't believe the Earth Queen is conscripting airbenders."

"Those people should not be forced to join an army!"

"Well, technically, the Earth Queen has a right to conscript her citizens." Everyone just stared at Bumi. "What? It's true."

"Guys, what if Kai was spotted airbending? He might have been taken too"

"Probably not. He's surprisingly difficult to catch, like a— like a little, greased hog-monkey."

"But, what if he was?"

"Don't worry, Jinora. We'll find him. We just need to figure out where to look."

"I bet they're under Lake Laogai." We stared at Mako and I was confused on how the fuck he knows this shit. " What? I've been reading some of Jinora's books. The old Dai Li agents used to have a secret fortress beneath the lake."

"You can read?"

"Mako's right! It's the perfect spot to hide airbenders, and I know how to check it out without being caught. I can project my spirit into it!"

"You mean that out-of-body thing you did to help giant, spirity Korra?"

"You can still do that?!"

"It's not as powerful as it was during Harmonic Convergence, but if I can get close enough, I think I can do it."

"Let's go get Kai out. Let's get all the airbenders out."

We went to the elusive Lake Laogai and Jinora sat cross legged on the ground. She meditated and resurface after a minute.

"It's completely flooded."

"Jinora, you've read all about Ba Sing Se. Can you think of any other places the airbenders might be?"

"I guess they could be in the catacombs beneath the Upper Ring, or the ancient sewers beneath the Lower Ring, or the maze of tunnels that connect the rings together, or they could be- "

"There are just too many places. There has to be another way to locate them."

"Maybe there is. How did you find me during Harmonic Convergence?"

"I don't know. I just kind of focused on your energy. I think our spiritual connection led me to you."

"Maybe you can find Kai the same way. I know you two have a connection."

"What do you mean "a connection"?" Tenzin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know. Let me try."

She meditated again and after about 5 minutes she returned.

"Under the Earth Queen's temple!"


We returned to our quarters to strategise.

"We could always-"

"No, Y/n we can't do human trafficking."

"It was always an option."



"ALRIGHT! We go in under the cover of darkness: two small insertion teams and a third on the outside. Then all we'll need is twelve tons of blasting jelly, a medium-sized bulldozer and ... does anyone have a badgermole that knows Morse code?"

There was a knock on the door.

"Oh good it's the queen."

Bolin stuffed Pabu in his shirt and tenzin opened the door.


"We need to get Korra out of here immediately. Her life's in danger. I just got word from Lord Zuko and Tonraq."

"Why is Lord Zuko with my dad?"

"Zaheer and the others have escaped."

"How is that possible?"

"Because Zaheer is an airbender now."

"All right, hold on! Will you quit ignoring me and tell me what's going on? Who's Zaheer? Why is my life in danger?"

"Shortly after we found out you were the Avatar, Zaheer and three others attempted to kidnap you. Luckily, your father, Lord Zuko, Chief Sokka and I were there to stop them. We apprehended the criminals and locked them away in prisons designed to impair their abilities."

"So that's why you and my dad sheltered me away."

"It was for your own safety. "

" Why were they trying to kidnap Korra?"

"We spent thirteen years interrogating them, but they never broke. To this day, no one knows what their motive was. Now we need to get you back to Republic City, where I can protect you."

"No ... I'm not running."

"Korra, you don't understand. These criminals are like nothing you've ever faced before."

"Look, I'm not a little kid anymore. You don't need to protect me. I came here for one thing: to find airbenders. And I'm not leaving without them."

"Fine. Let's get them and get out of here. Where are they?"

"In a military compound, and we're busting them out."

I was in the team on the outside with Lin and Asami. My walkie talkie went static and I listened.

"Wildcard, this is Papa-Bear, the breezies are in the hold. Cue the balloons."


"How the hell did you understand that?"

"I don't even know. They have the airbenders, prepare the airships." 

I quietly whistled and Briar landed in front of me. I hopped on her and flew towards the airships. I directected the airships towards the compound. The airbenders hopped on both of them and we flew away. Dai Lee agents launched rocks at us but Briar sent out huge wind currents to send the rocks back.

"WE NEED HELP!" I heard Bolin yell and Briar swooped down as Bolin, Mako, Kai and Jinora hopped on. 

"WOAH THAT WAS AWESOME!" Kai said in awe.

We flew to a safe place outside of Ba Sing Se. The airbenders left with Tenzin and Jinora. It was just us again.

Maybe we need a little change (Bolin x Reader) (PART 3)Where stories live. Discover now