A Second Chance

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"Be strong my Queen, don't mourn for your useless servant"

Those are the last words Benares, also known as Bella said to Sirin, known as Herrscher of the Void and her Queen as she drowns herself at a frozen lake after her battle the Valkyries that managed to defeat her

As Benares starts to close her eyes completely as she turns back to her Dragon form, a hand grabbed her, but before she can see who did that 

"This is a fucking bad idea, a fucking bad one!"

Those are the words that Diana Silversmith said as she headed to the lake where Benares is, even she is not a Valkyrie and a part of Schicksal, not anymore for a long, long time just as her family said

The Silversmith Family is one part of the Greatest family house's of Schicksal in the Medieval Age as they are the one's who built weapons that aren't fancy, just right for those who'll use it

Until Otto became the Overseer, as they knew what is his plans due to him being responsible for Kallen Kaslana's death and his dream to revive her

So her Family ancestors fake there deaths and travelled across the world to give there services to people who are in need, one of those are the Great Temple of Silversmiths, a rumored building built by her ancestor in the Previous Era, Hephaestus Silversmith, the one who's said who helped to built the Kaslana's heirloom, The Judgement of Shamash, thou the temple can't be opened unless you are part of the Silversmith bloodline

But as time pass, Otto found out that they know his darkest secrets and assassinates them one by one, leaving Diana as the last member of the Forger Family 

As Diana heads to the frozen lake, she saw Benares falling into the lake, and from there she pulls out an amulet with a blue crystal on it and dives to the lake, and when she does this it seems the cold doesn't bother her

Because what she is wearing is a part of the Herrscher core of Ice

It is said Schicksal has the 5th Divine Key, but that is a lie as no one knows where it is even at the Previous Era, but the Silversmith family had information about it

Hephaestus Silversmith had a vision about the Kaslana's ancestor planning to use a dangerous power that save but in reality can end the world

And so he decided to hide the core the moment it was at the base and replace it with a fake one, that gave a lot of problems, but it was worth it as he escaped with it after he fakes his death during the PE 11th Herrscher's attack on humanity and used it to cryofreeze himself when the Finality came

The only way to find the whole part of the PE Herrscher core of Ice is to use the amulet that Diana had as her ancestor manage to break a piece of it, giving those who wear it a ability to not feel the cold

And so as she dived deeper and grabbed Benares hand, who was about to turn back into her dragon beast form, Diana pulls out a weird device and shouted

"Wahre Geister vereinigt euch!"

and then the device glowed

To be continued

Bella: Goddess of Forge, Defiance, and Family(A HI3 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now