The Boy's Request and Training and Bella being a Mom

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An unknown amount of time

In a Unknown House

We can see the boy waking up and notice he was in a house that seemed to be cleaned as it was abandoned for sometime now

And then some opened the door, revealing Bella is the one who saved the boy from getting killed by the Honkai beast and is currently holding a wooden made tray with a bowl filled with hot rabbit stew and a cup of water and was wearing the necklace that once Diana owned that contains the piece of the PE Herrscher of Ice

Bella: Your awake, I'm glad your fine *goes near to the boy and takes a seat from a wooden chair* Here eat the stew I made, careful it's hot

The boy knew that strangers can't be trusted, especially after the 2nd Eruption cause Siberia to collapse, but his stomach betrays him and the smell of the stew is nice and so he blew the hot stew and grabs the bowl and eats it slowly

And after a few minutes he finished the stew and drinks the water and then Bella spoke

Bella: How are you feeling now

Boy: I-I'm fine now

Bella: I see, My name is Bella, what's yours?

Nikolai: N-Nikolai, Nikolai Cioara

Bella: Nikolai, What a nice name, where are your parents

Nikolai: . . .

Bella: *eyes widen* Oh I apologize, my condolences

Nikolai: No need Ms. Bella, but thanks it means so much to me and my sister

Bella: Where is she?

Nikolai: Taken by a mysterious man 

Bella: Do you know what he looks like

Nikolai: No cause he is wearing a mask but, he has a glowing red eye on the right

Bella: I see

Nikolai: It seems your a traveler here Ms. Bella judging from the things you got before I passed out, are looking for something

Bella: I'm impressed Nikolai from your analyzation, but no I'm also from here in Siberia living in the mountains, with an old friend of mine, I'm just carrying out her last will to find something she's been searching when she is still alive

Nikolai: *eyes widen* I-I see, my condolences for your friends death

Bella: Thank you 

Nikolai: I might help Ms. Bella on what your searching for but can you help me find my sister in return?

Bella: . . . Are you sure about this boy, we only just met and the thing I'm looking for might get you in danger

Nikolai: I'm sure Ms. Bella, Back before Father died, he said that one day a boy like me must learn to help others and do everything in the best of my ability for me and my sister to survive incase something bad happened to them

Bella: What a brave kid, very well them, I'll tell you what I needed but for now take some rest the sun is about to set and you'll need some energy once you woke in the morning, I'm going to train you to defend yourself for a few days before we depart

Nikolai: Yes, Ms. Bella

and so Bella left the boy with the boy promising to find her sister before he falls asleep tonight

And so the next day, Nikolai was trained by Bella in hand to hand combat incase he faced a weaponless opponent for a week, with Nikolai getting some bruises from Bella as they spar to see how he improved, and in another week, Bella asks Nikolai what weapon is he good at handling, which he replied he is good at using is an axe as he and his father back in the day cur wood into pieces to use them as firewood, with Bella tossing him an broad-axe that she discovered in a abandoned town a few miles away from the house they are in as she searched for food the other day, with Bella sharpening it so it can atleast penetrate hark skin of Honkai beasts 

Which became Nikolai's next training as Bella brought some skins of some honkai beasts that are hard to penetrate, with Nikolai wondering how did Bella remove the skins from the honkai beasts

But nevertheless he starts using the axe given to him to destroy the Honkai beast skins that Bella left on the woods, with the axe managing to cut the skins into two

How did the axe done that as only Soulium made weapons and bullets can only do those, Well Bella used the Unli-Soulium to make the axe blade soulium and removes it after it infects the blade

His training on using the axe as a weapon continued for 2 weeks with Him and Bella currently sparring as Bella uses her Lightning Spear, but didn't use the lightning as it might harm Nikolai


Bella: You're doing well Nikolai *blocks Nikolai's Axe as his axe is attacking her in all directions, due to Nikolai using his arms to make his axe attack faster* But you still have a lot to learn

Nikolai: *Smiled with determination* I know that Matush-

And then Nikolai takes a few back steps and covers his mouth as he just almost called Bella his mother, with Bella's eyes widening causing her to lower her weapon with a confused look

Nikolai: I-I apologized Ms. Bella, It won't-

Bella: Why?

Nikolai: Huh?

and then Bella goes close to him and spoke as kneel one knee on the snow

Bella: What makes you think I'm a Mother to you, don't worry I'm not mad

Nikolai: W-Well, You're kind to me, you fed me and you make sure I'm healthy and strong to survive and fight on my own if you go somewhere, like that one time where you left me and a wolf passes by in the house, with me managing to kill the wolf but I got injured in the process

Bella: With me getting worried, treating you injury and giving you enough rest for your wound to recover

And then the both chuckled 

Bella: But after you help me, what if we can't find you sister and she's dead before we can find her, will still call me your Matushka?

Nikolai: Yes, I'll still call you my Matushka, and I'll find my sister, she's strong and smart and she'll be hard to kill if something is going to harm her

Bella: I see, can you call me that again?

Nikolai: Matushka

and then Bella hugged him as she dropped her spear with Nikolai dropping his axe as he hugs his new Mother, with Bella silently crying as she is glad that she's not alone again, after all she also grew fond of the boy

To be continued

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