The Servant and the Knight vs Queen of the Void (Part 2)(Finale)

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But as they went to the place where Sirin crashed they were blinded by a bright yellow light, causing them to cover there eyes until the bright light disappears

And as they done this and opened there eyes again they saw that they were teleported in a different area with many huge rocks floating in the air and they are standing in top of one of those

Bella: Tch we're in a Imaginary Space

"Correct Bella"

Then She and Himeko turned around to the source of the voice and saw Sirin descending

Himeko: Tesla give me something to to help Kiana regain control of her body I just need to get close to her 

Bella: I'll distract her then

Sirin: Whatever you're planning won't work and both of you won't make it out here alive

Himeko: Well see about that 

Bella: Show us what you've got imposter

With that they both go into a battle stance

Sirin: Very well then I hope you're both ready to meet your makers

As she said this she extended her hand, with both of them being pulled towards her and only to stop a meter away from Sirin

Sirin: Struggle all you want and die!

With that she pushed them very far away by using her hand causing the both of them to crash into a huge cube and was about to be crushed by 2 half of the other cube

But this time Himeko and Bella used there weapons and destroyed the 2 half cubes and huge cube behind them creating a huge smoke that prevented Sirin from finding them, causing her to summon multiple void lances from multiple portals and fired them at the area where Bella and Himeko are in hopes of pincushioning them as she deployed a lot of lances that can stop the two from deflecting them due to the sheer numbers she sent

Sadly when the huge smoke cleared Bella and Himeko aren't there anymore, causing her to look everywhere to find them, to which she managed to find them on the air and were charging towards her, causing her the summon portal where huge Cuboids came out that causes Bella and Himeko to use there weapons to destroy them that gave Sirin some time to fire a projectile that releases a long cuboid that almost killed Himeko if she didn't used her sword to block the projectile that sends her flying, leaving Bella to charge Sirin head on, causing Sirin to summon a void lance and she can hold to block the incoming hit when Bella landed to Sirin to hit her

With that the two engaged into a spear battle with Bella showing a neutral face as there battle goes on, frustrating Sirin even further causing her to charge at her furiously that Bella can manage to predict which will be her next move easily despite Sirin summoned multiple void lances to hit her in all directions

But then Himeko released 2-3 flame slashes from her sword as it was filled with to much honkai energy that she got from the gem and from Sirin's attacks

This caused Sirin to use 2 of her spears that are floating beside her to be a shield for her and plans to use the slashes to hit Bella by teleporting it infront of her

And so she set's her plan in motion immediately as she makes Himeko's attacks teleported infront of Bella, with Himeko shocked and tried to warn Bella but was to late as Bella took the hit that sends her a few meters away with a trail of smoke starting from where Bella is previously and to the position she is sent now

Himeko: Bella!

Sirin: Now she's out of the way *turns around and gets ready to kill Himeko* your next worm-

Suddenly she got stabbed in the shoulder causing her to scream in pain and turn around to see Bella standing unharmed, with Sirin's eyes widening on how did Bella managed to avoid the attack 

Sirin: H-How?!

Bella: It doesn't matter how I survive. . .but for now-

She then let the lightning inside her spear and let it flow into the nerves of Sirin's body paralyzing her

Bella: Rest. . .my Queen

Sirin: *Eyes widen*

Suddenly she felt something injected into her neck revealing Himeko got close to Sirin and injected the Spear of Destiny, with it starting to take effect as Sirin started screaming with Himeko and Bella distancing themselves away from her a little

Himeko: Now we just have to wait until she passed out right

Bella: Correct. . .but forgive me from doing this

Himeko: What do you-

Before she can finish her sentence she was knock out unconscious by Bella, with Bella kicking her into a portal that'll lead her to Hyperion with the portal closing

As Bella does this she goes near Sirin and pointed the tip of her spear in her forehead causing the spear to shine and blinding Bella's vision

After that Bella saw that she was in a white void where in the distance she saw a grey figure sitting in grey throne with Sirin's true body floating above the throne trapped in a huge bubble, this caused Bella to go closer to the figure with the spear in her hand

And as she is halfway closer to the figure, the figure stood up when it finally detected the spears presence and tries to push her away, with Bella throwing the spear to the figure as she said

"Trotze dem Schicksal!"

She then crosses her arms to be pushed only a little with the spear hitting the figure with it shrieking in pain inside her head that she didn't pay mind

As it shrieked the spear glowed and left blue glowing lines in the part the figure was stabbed, forcing the figure to cut a decent part of it's chest and arm with the spear falling, with the figure disappearing and the bubble where Sirin is cracking and falling apart that caused Sirin to fall, only for Bella to catch her in time 

When she done this Sirin slowly woke up and spoke

Sirin: B-Bella

As she said this Bella smiled and spoke

Bella: It's been awhile my Queen

To be continued

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