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Tagged: Lil.Potter
Photo credits: meeee (:
hanging out with my 

Lil.Potter: I look so bad-

ros.ie: nah u don't!

Lil.Potter: aw thank u!!

Jamie.Siri.Potty: rose is right. you look horrible.

Lil.Potter: omg thank u so much 🙄

roxy: GUYS STOP FIGHTING PLZ. oh, and @Scorp.Malfoy, what do U think of Lily?? (:

Scorp.Malfoy: she looks pretty

LuLu: does she ALWAYS look pretty?

Scorp.Malfoy: yeah I guess

Lil.Potter: guys leave him alone omg! and thanks Scorp (:

Scorp.Malfoy: it's just the truth Lils (:

roxy: its happening, everyone stay calm!

Lil.Potter: what-

LuLu: roxanne is just overreacting, again

roxy: hey! I just wanted to be prepared in case IT happens!

Scorp.Malfoy: in case what happens?

roxy: uhm...

Lil.Potter: yes??

roxy: I have to go walk my dog! bye!

Al.Sev.Potter: u don't have a dog-

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