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Her life point counter reached zero, that's when I knew she was in trouble, she looked at me, her eyes wide with panic, "help me!" She yelled, the Seal of Orichalcos started closing around her, I ran and tried to reach for her, but I couldn't get to her, I couldn't reach her.

She screamed, and a turquoise aura started flaring around her, and as quickly as it started, it stopped. She dropped to her knees, and fell flat down on the ground, I ran up to her body, knowing that her soul was gone. Lucy... The one person I cared about, was gone.

The duelist she was versing laughed, "so, who's next?" My eyes flared with anger, Lucy was the only person I had, ever since my parents had died, she was everything to me, and now she was gone. I stood up and pressed the button on the bottom of my duel disk, when it had engaged duel mode, I stood and faced him "I'm next" I said through gritted teeth. He laughed, "fine then, let's duel" he said, we drew our first cards, "I'll take the first move" he said "I'll activate the Seal of Orichalcos!" The seal started coming down from the sky. "Oh I'm so surprised" I said sarcastically, he glared at me. "I'll summon this, my Atlantean attack squad, in attack mode" he said, then I'll end my turn with one card face down."

"It's my turn" I said I drew "I'll start with pot of greed!" I said, I drew 2 cards "next I'll activate the spell card ancient rules to special summon a blue-eyes white dragon!" My blue-eyes appeared, roaring mightily. "That triggered my spell obligatory summon, now we have to summon all level 8 monsters from our deck or hand!" I summoned the remaining 2 blue-eyes white dragons from my hand. "Next I'll activate card of sanctity" I said, we each drew until we held six cards. "Next I'll throw down a face down, now blue-eyes, attack with white lightning!"

The three blue-eyes white dragons roared and shot their blasts "not so fast! I activate enemy controller! Switching one of your blue-eyes into defense mode!" The other two blasts came through, one connecting with his Atlantean attack squad and the other with his life points. He had 700 life points left, "so that's it?" He asked, laughing, "no it isn't!" I said, his eyes went wide with fear. "I activate super polymerization, fusing together my three blue-eyes white dragons to make the blue-eyes ultimate dragon!!" There were multiple blasts coming through the cloud cover. And then he appeared, the blue-eyes ultimate dragon came floating down, and landed in front of me.

"Now blue-eyes ultimate dragon, attack with neutron blast!!" All three of the heads roared and fired their blasts. The duelist screamed as the blasts connected with him and his life points hit zero. The Seal of Orichalcos closed around him flared it's aura, and then, his soul was gone. I ran over to Lucy, and held her in my arms, the anger burned away, and it was replaced by a painful ache that enveloped my heart. I started to cry, I sobbed and sobbed until all my tears dried up and I was sitting there, my heart in the dirt.

The Chancellor came running up to me, he was breathing heavily "what happened?" He asked, I told him between sobs that Lucy had her soul taken. He looked shocked, "how did this happen?" He asked me, he looked over at the mystery duelist, and saw his duel disk. A shadow passed over his face, "Caleb, I'm going to need you to come with me, bring Lucy along." I picked up Lucy and followed the Chancellor, we stopped by the infirmary, where I gave Lucy over to the nurse who immediately went to work on her. The Chancellor then led me to his office, he sat down in his chair and I stood in front of his desk. "Here's the deal, that guy is a servant to a man named Dartz."

I sighed, "well what does that guy want?" I asked, Chancellor explained everything to me, how Dartz wanted to take over the world, and that he was stealing souls to awaken a beast called The Great Leviathan. I was about to leave when the Chancellor came up to me and handed me an object, it was something wrapped in cloth, the right size for a deck. "Take this and don't open it until you get back to your dorm room" he instructed me.

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