« Our first meeting »

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Sonic slowly opened the glass balcony door and took a step outside, small cracking noises could be heard from the deck however Sonic kept moving forward until reaching the edge. The balcony was quite large and had a lot of room on it, not a lot of things, but it had room. As Sonic tried to peak over the tall spikey trees that stopped him from seeing anything he heard a sudden voice from behind.

"Having trouble?"

Sonic quickly turned around and saw a fox who was slightly taller than Sonic hanging down from the roof of the castle, Sonic's room was on the top and final floor so it wasn't hard to get up there if you were tall, but Sonic could never without help. The fox had two big blue doe eyes and fluffy golden fur that covered his body, of course he had some clothes on as well but his most noticeable feature- his Tails.

"Who are you..?" However, instead of acting afraid and scared, Sonic was more curious. He had never met another child before, he knew what other kids his age looked like, but he had never really seen them up close.

"I'm Tails, nice to meet you. I'm guessing you're the prince?" Tails asked. Even though he looked around the same age as Sonic, he sounded a lot smarter than him when using vocabulary.

"Uh.. yeah, that's me. Where do you come from? Wait, why are you here?" Sonic asked curiously while pointing at the fox who soon smiled and sat back up properly.

"I'm from the village, sire." That was Tails responce, the hedgehog didn't seem surprised but more.. astonished, might you say. "And to answer your other question, my only answer is the view."

"The village..? Woah.." Sonic's eyes lit up as he looked up at the fox and the fox looked back down.

"So, what did you come out here for, sire?" Tails asked with curiosity.

The hedgehog's smile soon faded a bit as he was about to admit that he was to short to see the view, he knew there was nothing wrong with it, but it was still embarrassing. "Well.. I came out here to see the view as well, expect I.. uh.. can't see over the trees, the last time I came out here my mum helped me up. But I mean.. since your up there already would you mind uh.. helping me up to?" Sonic asked in a more slightly nervous tone, he didn't really like asking for help in general. But the fox intrigued Sonic, after all, Sonic was a very curious boy.

"Hmm? Sure, if you want. Here, grab on." The fox held out both his hands and waited till both of Sonics hands we're gripping tightly on his own before pulling the hedgehog up as quick as he could. However the hedgehog was slightly to heavy for the fox and the sweat from Tails hands made Sonic slip slowly.

"A-Ah.. your not gonna drop me right..-!" Sonic then slipped a little more from the foxes hands, he began panicking as he held on tighter and began moving his legs, this pulled Tails down slowly, so as a backup he decided to move his tails and wrap them around the hedgehogs arms, using both his arm and tail strength, he was able to pull the hedgehog up on to the roof.

"Thank god.." the hedgehog sighed lightly as he had finally made it on top of the roof, however he soon realised all the panic was worth it as he saw the view of the entire village, the sun began to set and hints of purple, blue and pink covered the afternoon sky, long streaky clouds also hid parts of the sun. The villages brick and wood houses contrasted nicely with the colour of the sky. "Oh... Wow.."

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Tails said before looking forward at the sunset, the light colours reflected on his golden fur and made it look thin and shiny.

"Hey, Tails.. how old are you?" The hedgehog asked curiously while looking at him as he awaited an answer.

"Me? Oh, I'm 9 years old if you must know, turning ten this year. what about you, sire?" Tails asked a he looked back at the hedgehog as well, putting his arms back slightly.

"I'm eight, so I'm like.. a year younger than you! I thought you we're older since you look taller. And also, how come you call me "sire"?" Sonic asked, he didn't seem to understand it, he knew that he was a royal so it was normal to call people in his family that, but no one ever called him sire.

"Well, it's just appropriate manners.. and you are a royal after all, aren't you?" Tails asked, he knew that Sonic was a royal, but he asked anyway, it couldn't hurt to be sure.

"Yeah, I am.. but.. I don't wanna be. I wanna go outside the gates and be free! Like a bird..!"

"Well, if you think about it birds aren't really free, they have to stay with their parents for a certain amount of time before they are abandoned.. all birds are different though and some are let go at different times." Tails said before looking back over at Sonic and smiling slightly before chuckling he found it funny how Sonic couldn't figure out the meaning of what he was saying, even as a royal.

"And they say royals are smarter than villagers"

"Well we're meant to be, but I never listen in class, class is boring.. well manners class at least," Sonic said as he responded in a plain voice.

"And what about normal class? Like where you learn math and stuff, not that I went to school anyway." Tails said as he soon layed back and put his arms on his chest and one leg up.

"Well.. I don't know.. we haven't done that yet, but I don't want to either." The hedgehog said in a demanding voice as he stood up with his hands on his hips.

The fox smiled up at him before standing up as well "I think it's time I took my leave, have a good night sire"

"Huh? Your leaving..? Wait! Can you come back and visit? You seem cool." The hedgehog asked while facing the fox, his arms no longer on his hips.

"Sure, if that's what you'd like sire." The fox smiled before running off the building and jumping off, he did a quick 360° looking back at the hedgehog and waving, then disappearing into the night.

"Huh... He seems cool.."

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