_ January _

43 3 1

That night.. changed everything for the no longer small hedgehog who we call Sonic. He had now grown older, he was now fifteen. Since that one night with Tails, the fox had kept his promise with a perfect attendance record too, he had gone to see the hedgehog once every mouth, at the end of the mouth at least. However he wished that the fox would come more than once a month, maybe he could confront Tails about it tonight since it was the 31st of January, 7:15pm. The last day of the month.

The hedgehog waited outside on the balcony, it was lucky his mother had forgotten about giving him the balcony keys on his 10th birthday or else when she didn't find them, there was going to be a big problem.. But that's in the past, this was the present. The hedgehog was now tall enough to climb up onto the roof by himself with his own bare hands, he slowly pulled himself up before sitting down on the edge and sighing, wind blowing through the hedgehogs quills as he waited for a certain someone.

Soon enough he saw a tall shadow like figure appear in front of him as he watched the fox pull himself up onto the lower balcony. "Aren't you early?" Sonic said sarcastically while watching the fox smile at his comment.

"Now, when have I ever been late sire?" Tails said taking a seat next to Sonic before looking over towards him and pointing a finger up at the sky.

"Never I suppose, but it wouldn't hurt to come a little earlier, don't you think?" Sonic said while looking at the fox, he had grown through out the years. Just like Sonic of course, but the fox now wore tight sleeveless black shirts all the time with baggy cargo pants, his fur was always messy yet tidy at the same time. The only thing that didn't change about him was his doe eyes that shined a mysterious shine in the moonlight, however it wasn't visible at day time.

"True, it wouldn't. How early would you like Sire?" Tails asked the Colbert blue hedgehog as he dangled his legs over the edge of the building.

"Uh.. I don't know.. maybe just.. 5:30pm? A similar time to when we first met." The hedgehog said as he was trying to convince the fox to come earlier. "Or.. instead you could come more often, maybe like.. once a week, or twice? Either one is fine.."

"Hmm.. well, I can come earlier if you'd like sire, however I can't come once a week, let alone twice. I'm busy all the time and I'd probably leave you waiting, you wouldn't want that, would you?"

"I mean, I wouldn't mind to be honest.. it couldn't take that long for you to get here." Sonic said while rubbing his nose and looking down at the fox

"That's not the point at all sire." Tails chuckled lightly because of the hedgehogs simple foolishness, it was quite funny to the fox seeing a royal who couldn't figure out the simple meaning of things.

"It isn't? Huh.. well I mean, it could mean that if you wanted it to."

"Anyway we should probably move on from this conversation, so, how's life sire?" Tails asked, he didn't particularly want to continue with the conversation they we're already having a second ago.

"Ah.. it's alright, my dad only gets more angry through the years though. He still refuses to let me outside the castle gates."

"Why so? Don't you have duties out in the village?"

"Well.. yeah, but dad insisted that he takes care of all of those duties for me" Sonic mumbled a couple of words in annoyance as he said that sentence. He didn't hate his dad, but he didn't like him as much as he used to either.

"Huh, but what about when your king, how are you going to know what to do without proper training?"

"I don't know.. plus, I don't want to be king anyway. I already have a limited amount of freedom now, I'm going to have none at all when I'm king! And plus, if I don't find a woman to marry then mom and dad get to choose for me.."

"Well then, is there anyone you have in mind? I'm guessing they have to be part of some royal family as well."

"Yeah they do, some of the most known princess that mom and dad have recommended are Blaze the cat, who is currently queen because her family passed away a while ago, I've met her when my family we're doing business with her, she's very independent, I think she prefers running her own castle. Then there's Amy rose, she's a princess and the Rose kingdom, she's like the complete opposite of blaze, Amy needs a prince charming to help her out and she goes out of her way to make the most romantic things."

"Oh, I see and I'm guessing neither are your type?"

"Well, Amy's nice and all but we met each other once and she was all over me, I didn't like that. And then Blaze.. well there's nothing wrong with her I just have a feeling it's not going to be much like a relationship, not that I wanted one from the start."

"Are you sure you don't like Blaze because she'll probably wear the pants in the relationship?" Tails chuckled as he said that before sitting up and looking at the hedgehog.

"Oh shut up you sly fox." Sonic grinned widely before pushing Tails to the side playfully.

Tails smiled slightly before sighing and standing up on both of his feet as he walked to the edge of the building and prepared to jump off. Sonic watched Tails, he already knew what he was doing "already leaving? Don't you like me?"

Tails looked back once more at the hedgehog, rolling his eyes as he asked that. "If I didn't like you sire, I think I would've stopped visiting you a long time ago. Now, I'll see you again next month."

"You better be here, don't leave me hanging!"

"I don't plan too."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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