The beginning

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A grenade bursting right on the left side , where you stood left you unguarded.

Your gun had no bullets left , nor did your pockets. It felt as if this was it , this would be how you die.
In hopes of surviving you rolled to where a wooden carton stood , deciding to hide there and save yourself some time, fingers caressing the wound on your forearm.

A bullet had scratched your skin , which resulted in an incision. Fortunately the bullet had passed you , but this would leave a scar.

"Y/n! are you alright? Backup's on it's way , hang in there." A voice from your in-ear monitor waking you up from the slight drowsiness, maybe because of a concussion.

"I am , Jungkook , don't worry about me. Mingi's a little injured though."

"Yeah we have found him , I just can't track your location. Anyways if the diamond is near , take it and run to the exit."

"Got it."

Your skull felt a sting because of a harsh pull. It was your target , finding you defenseless , he attacked from behind. Tch what a wuss you thought.
"Y/n I can't believe I trusted you for a whole 3 months .... You wentch."

"aw baby , I'm glad I could teach you a lesson to never ever trust your instincts again. I hope you won't miss me in bed." You bite back with your response and gave a kiss to his cheek. He had gotten soft for you, it was so obvious. However , this was all a part of the plan.

You jabbed him in his ribcage , taking him by his arm and spinning him around so that you were the one in control. His face was pushed on the floor by your knees as he grunted in pain ,"Now if you don't wanna die , give me the diamond."

Of course he denied however by luck or coincidence you found the diamond in his pocket. "Tsk such bad thinking , even a 4 year old would do better."
Your target had not realized , his hands were now tied behind his back , a trick you learnt from your uncle , who worked in the same profession -A detective.

However , yours is a bit too risky.
"I'm done Jk." You spoke to alert the forces as you walked to the exit. This was what you did for a living, facing dangers had become sort of a habit of yours.

In your agency you were the youngest recruit , thanks to your uncle.

"Always on top ,as they say, Phoenix." Jungkook welcomed you in the ambulance. "This was actually the easiest one. oh and please don't call me that..." You threw the diamond towards Jk whose reflexes worked rather fast and caught it just in time.

"Jesus , do you know how precious this is?"

"My work was to get the diamond , not caring of it. Anyways, can someone please give me a cloth to stop the blood flow?"

"Here" The said man handed you a white cloth which you tied around your forearm. "So what now?" leaning on the ambulance's door you asked.

"Well, you get some days off.... Take care of your studying and stuff."

You felt a deep sigh leaving you ,"How long have I already been doing this?"

"Well, you were 16 when I first saw you here.."

"Yeah , well , initially my training began at the age of 10 , the theory and basic techniques and all. Then, at 12 I got admitted here 16 it was my first mission."

"No wonder you're the best around here , even if the youngest."

"Oh don't be so modest , you cracked the code for terrorists evading America , not only that , almost got to their headquarters if It wasn't for the American government taking you off the case because you were too 'Reckless'."

Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle ,"How's Eva?" You asked the purple-haired man.

"Oh she's great, she misses you though."

"Of course she would, you're barely home."

"Aish, you know how our business can be.."

"...I get it ..but marry as soon as you can. It's been long since I danced my ass off."

You made your way inside the ambulance ,"Care to patch me up?"
"You did great." The pale skinned guy praised you for your efforts. "Thanks Eun woo"

"Come on let's take a look at your wound."

"It's not that deep."

"M-hm , let me just do the dressing."

"How's Mingi?"

"He's fine , at first his condition was critical but he's strong...he'll make it through." A sigh of relief escaped your lips ,"It kind of feel empty without him..."

"yeah, wait till he's conscious , he won't let you live about how you failed to protect your partner in crime."

"well, that's true..."

" Yeji home?" Eun woo asked while bending his head lower than the level of eyes. You tilted your head , making your bangs fall to the right ,"yeah, she said she'll be home tonight...why?"

"..uh nothing.." Your hand made it's way to his chin to make him face you only to discover a red cheeked Eun woo ,"You know, it's obvious you have dibs on her?"

"Stop it." He slightly pushed your hand away , which you find funny because he's cute when he's shy.

"Alright I won't tease you anymore. My ride's on it's way right?"

"Yeah, just tell boss that you're on your way home."

"Sure , I'll inform Jk."

Yeah, life isn't always rainbows and unicorns but yours was actually plus as a bonus you came from a rich household as well.

However, it all came to an end when your parents died in a plane crash. It was an alleged planned murder. Your uncle adopted you and trained you the best , so that in future you would protect yourself , not be dependent.
That's how your whole life took a turn. Right now, as a part-time job you work in a café while you study in a university and also are an undercover detective.

How pleasant.

"Oh, look you're home. Our detective Y/n." Yeji came running from her room to greet you with her bright smile ,"Oh no are you hurt? it bad?"

"It's fine, I'm alright."

"Here, have some water." You took the glass offered by your roommate. "You're being awfully nice today.."

"I always am after you come back from a mission. I mean I'm always grateful you come back home without dying."

You shook your head while moving in to the bathroom to get ready for a goodnight's sleep. "Mingi was hurt though, but he can make it through. I'm going to visit him tomorrow after my lectures are finished."

Yeji replied in a loud voice enough for it to reach you in the bathroom ,"take me with you too, my semesters already finished. Plus, It's been a long time since we went shopping together."

"Okay , let's do that."

The weather was perfect for you to go on the roof for the last time. Enjoy the wind as it runs through your hair. You take a deep inhale, as if you're in a garden. The fresh air is really calming. "...I should really sleep."

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