Back to work

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"Pathetic." You murmured.

Peeking out of the window couldn't have been so lucky for you as you witnessed a suspicious man exiting from the Whitman residence. In his all-black attire, he reached his limousine, guess what color it was?


However, his gaze followed the bungalow. 'Your' bungalow. He was walking in that direction now. But you can't panic. You stride away from the window and set the curtains correctly so that nothing is visible from the inside.

The bell rang just at that time.
"Coming." You shouted and waited for exactly 15 seconds to open the door.
You were greeted by the same man, "Hi, how can I help you?"

"Hello, um, is this bungalow quite possibly sold?" His downturned eyes tried to look past you. He had a tall body structure, and hair all gray showcasing his old age.

"Yes, We just moved in today." You said with a smile, trying to make it as natural as possible.


"Yes, me and my husband." It killed you to say that.

"Oh, well, the furniture seems all set. Quite fast for today, eh?"

Now, that was what you didn't expect. The house was already well-furnished. Arranged by your company, you thought. You had to come up with an excuse.

You chuckled before continuing, "Oh this, uh, the furniture was shifted before so we won't have any trouble. Yeah."
He nodded, you were confident you fooled the man. "May I ask who sold you this house?"

"..." You were silent because why is this man investigating you like that. He raised his right eyebrow and nodded his head so that he could receive an answer.

"Um, Amber Wheeler She sold us this house. Is there a purpose behind your questions sir?"

He slid his hands into his pockets as he told you it was nothing to worry about and went about on his way. But something about this man set you off.

You went upstairs to look for the bedroom, "Only one bed?!?! No, I'm in those cheesy 90s rom-com." You cried out as you rolled yourself in the bed.
Loud sounds from the bathroom interrupted your whining. It was Park Seonghwa's singing. "Shut up." You shouted but it put no effect on the said man.

In the end, when he came out of the shower, you were sitting on the desk in the bedroom while your ears were hidden by the noise-canceling headphones, trying to work on the case.

Seonghwa thought it'd be the perfect time to sneak up behind you and scare the living daylights out of you.
And so, he did.

Receiving the reaction he imagined made him satisfied.

"Jesus Christ, If you ever do that again you won't see the next day. I promise you!" you turned around only to see him with nothing but a towel loosely tied to his waist.

You craned your neck to your laptop, not moving an inch. Crimson color painted your cheeks but at the same time, you wanted to pinch him by his ear and scold him like a mother, trying to force some manners into him.

This made the latter confused, "What's with you?". It finally hit him, what was the reason, "Oh, so you're shy huh?"

You scoffed, dared not to move, "I think it's human decency to not look at someone naked. But then again I wouldn't hope for you to know that."
Seonghwa couldn't help but laugh out loud. Pausing for breath he asked you, "Who were you talking to though?"

"Some strange man came... He exited from the Whitman residence but then turned to our house. He looked suspicious. Then asked weird questions about us..."

"And what did you say?" He rested his cold hands on the desk, either side of you. Caging you with his arms but you were too busy explaining you didn't notice.

"I just told him we moved in today. It was sold by some Amber wheeler..." you said typing away.

"And?" His voice a bit closer to you. Something felt off to you, why was he being so attentive? Your eyes fell on his hands, oh no, he's got you trapped.

At first, you shrugged it off because this man is childish. This might again be one of his pranks. So you continued, "I told him me and my husband moved in today..."

'Husband' rolled out of your tongue naturally. It sent butterflies to Seonghwa. He doesn't know how but you seem to be capturing his mind and his heart.

He leaned closer, "Husband?"
Okay, now he's way closer. Your eyes widened at him being dangerously close to you. Your fingers somehow managed to shut down your laptop. The reflection of him being on top of you shone crystal clear.

He looked at you with so much passion that it made your knees weak. He raised his head to look into the laptop screen and let out a chuckle, a deep-voiced chuckle.

While staring right into your eyes he murmured against your ear, "You're like snow, beautiful but cold." Oh my, it made your heartbeat race. You saw magic in his eyes. Dirty, dark, beautiful magic.

A wink followed his words, "Do you think that man could be an inspector?"

"Please, wear a shirt." You requested and he just smirked. At last he increased the distance between you and walked off to find a shirt out of the pre-prepared closet.

"Yeah I get it, I might distract you." There he goes again with his snarky comments.

You rolled your eyes, "I don't think so, if there was to be an inspector what would they be doing at Whitman's house?" You let out a heavy exhale "I'll just focus on the first step of making relations with the family."

Throughout the day You and I Seonghwa seemed to co-operate during any discussion related to the case. He isn't all that and at all, well that's what you thought until in the middle of discussion he literally ruffled your hair so hard, and made a mess out of them. You ran around the house trying to catch him and get your revenge but he's tall! Damn it. You thought.

You say on the matted floor trying to catch your breath, "This house is way too big." You were panting meanwhile, Seonghwa still had so much energy.

"Nah, it doesn't really match to what i own." He bragged, you gazed down at his face, how is his skin this clear? Look at his sharp nose, his messy hair falling on his forehead. A smile on his face, showcasing his pearly whites.

However, you rolled your eyes, "How rich are you exactly?" You both laid on the soft floor by each other, "Don't take my words seriously, I'm ... Even more rich."

"Bruh, you've gotta stop saying that." He chuckled, "I'm sorry, i just like to mess around that's all."

"Really i remember seeing you in all Balck looking classy and intimidating. I almost believed you killed people back in the day." He laughed out loud at that. He looks even prettier. Wait-

What is wrong with you, why do you keep thinking of him so much!
You cleared your throat, "I think we've messed around enough." You got up, "Let's get back to work."

Seonghwa knew you were trying to keep a safe distance. He is a good judge of character. No wonder why you're always so uptight. So, he just stared at you. At your face.

When he looks at you his heart starts beating like a beat of the drum. He won't confess though, because the base of thos relationship was annoyance. Him annoying you, you annoying him. Well, mainly him annoying you.

"What?" Your question broke Seonghwa's bubble of thought, "nothing."
"Then let's get back to work."

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